SBI PO exam will be conducted by the State Bank of India (SBI) to choose suitable candidates for the post of Probationary Officers (PO). SBI PO 2021 notice is expected to be delivered in September/October by the SBI. The application and registration process will start after the arrival of notice. The examination dates for Prelims, Mains and Group Discussion and the Interview will be declared along with announcements. In this candidates will notice all the information related to state bank of India PO 2021 exam like- Eligibility Criteria, Exam date, Application Fee, Syllabus and some more.

1. Eligibility Criteria:

Age: Candidates age must be between 21 and 30 years. Age relaxation time is given to reserved category candidates as mentioned in the below:

Sr. Category Age Relaxation
1 SC/ST 5
2 OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) 3
3 PWD (SC/ST) 15
4 PWD (OBC) 13
5 PWD (Gen/EWS) 10
6 Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers ,(ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) 5

Essential Qualifications: Graduation degree in any discipline from the recognized University or any equivalent qualification perceived as such by the Central Government. The people who are in the Final Semester of their Graduation degree may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if the candidate is shortlisted for the final interview round, then they need to have the passed graduation documents. If the candidate having a qualification of Chartered Accountant may also be eligible to apply.

2. SBI PO 2021 Exam Date:

SBI will released the dates regarding the exam with its official notifications.The dates and months provided in the table are provisional and will be updated once the notification is announced. Candidates are advised to visit this site regularly to know the remaining important dates regarding the exam.

SBI PO 2021 EventsSBI PO 2021 Dates
Online registrationSeptember/October
Fee payment dateSeptember/October
Prelims admit cardTo be announced
Online preliminary examinationTo be announced
Prelims resultTo be announced
Mains admit cardTo be announced
SBI PO Mains examTo be announced
Mains resultTo be announced
Call Letter for InterviewTo be announced
InterviewTo be announced
Declaration of final resultTo be announced

3. Application Fees of SBI PO Exam:

CategorySBI PO Application Fee
General/ OBCRs 750 (application fee including intimation charges)
SC/ ST/ PwDNil

4. SBI PO Salary:

SBI PO Pay Salary in Rs
Basic pay of SBI PO 27,620 (with four advance increments).
Pay Scale 23,700-980/7-30,560-1145/2-32,850-1310/7-42,020 applicable to Junior Management.
Allowance DA, HRA/Lease rental, CCA, Medical and other allowances & perquisites as per rules.

5. SBI PO Exam Syllabus and pattern:

Candidates are advised before going to the SBI PO exam syllabus, they need to understand the 3 tier SBI PO exam pattern. The syllabus for prelims and mains exams is almost the same. Only the extra section of Banking and general awareness is added to the SBI PO mains exams syllabus.

Exam phasesSubjectsNumber of QuestionsMarksDuration
Preliminary ExamQuantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
English Language303020 minutes
Mains ExaminationData Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
Reasoning Ability456060 minutes
English Language354040 minutes
General & Banking Awareness404035 minutes
English (Descriptive Test)25030 minutes
Group Discussion20

6. SBI PO 2021 Admit Card & Call Letter:

Candidates must download the admit card of SBI PO exam from the official websites of the bank as according to the guidelines hard copy of admit card will not be sent to the candidates via post. For login on the official website , Candidates will require the following:

Roll NO/ Registration No
Password/ Date of Birth

The admit card or call letter for SBI PO 2021 will be issued in 3 stages:
• Online Preliminary Examination
• Online Mains Examination
• Group Exercise and Interview

18 days later
4 months later

Preparation for SBI PO as a beginner

SBI PO is an important exam in the banking sector. Many aspirants have aimed to become Probationary officers. The process of selection includes three stages: Pre, Mains, GD, and PI.

If you are a beginner firstly you should know about the prelims syllabus and the subjects, start preparing according to the syllabus. These contain MCQ-based questions. It has three subjects in prelims they are English Language, quantitative aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. Start with English or quantitative aptitude, those are which you have studied already in school. Quantitative aptitude contains the math part most of which you have already studied in school. Either make your own notes or take the help of the books of different authors. After studying and getting all the concepts. Make sure you revise it all at the same time. Try preparing for the mains as well while preparing for the pre-exam because there is less time you get for the mains after the pre-exam happens.
In the pre-exam, English language there are 30 questions which you have to do in just 20 minutes. The Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability has 35 questions each and you get 20 minutes to solve them. The total you have 100 questions which you have to do in 60 minutes. So you have to be quick but don’t make mistakes in a hurry. Firstly, solve the problems that you are good at and then try the harder ones.
Keep practicing as many mock tests as you can because practice is what will improve your speed and accuracy. You also need to solve all the previous year’s papers as well. They will also make you aware of the questions you are going to face in the examination.
There are some tricks involved in some of the aptitude and reasoning problems so keep learning those tricks as well.
Mains has two types of subjects, one is objective and the other is a subjective test. Objective test include subjects such as Reasoning and Computer Aptitude that have 45 questions and you have to do it in 60 minutes, Data analysis and Interpretation has 35 questions and you have 45 minutes for them, General/economy/banking awareness has 40 questions and you have 25 minutes for them, and the English Language has 35 questions and the time duration is 40 minutes. The main examination has a time duration of 3 hours. Prepare according to timing and syllabus.
SBI PO Mains Descriptive test that begins immediately after the SBI PO Objective Test is concluded. This contains questions based on the English Language that is Letter Writing and Essay Writing. The paper is conducted online and contains 50 marks and the time duration is 30 minutes. The Descriptive Test will be checked only if the candidates qualify objective Test
There is also negative marking for wrong answers in Pre and Mains examination which will deduct 0.25 marks for each wrong answer while 1 mark you will get for the correct answer.

If the candidate qualifies the cut-off of the main examination they will be called for the Group Discussion. After the Group Discussion has been conducted, there will be a Personal Interview. Group Discussion is of 20 marks and the Personal Interview will be of 30 marks. Prepare well for the GD with the trending topics and how to speak in a group with confidence. Note down important points during the GD and try to put your views within the allotted time of two minutes. Prepare yourself by reading the newspaper daily. A personal Interview will check the personality of the candidate, qualities, and qualifications of the candidate so prepare accordingly.

a month later