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Event Description
CSIR Central Scientific Instruments Organisation invites applications for the following post via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Project Associate-I/II
Essential Qualification:
Project Associate –I: BE/B Tech/MSc in Electronics / Electronics and Communication Engineering / Instrumentation / Mechatronics / Control System/ Bio-Medical Engineering / Equivalent.
Project Associate –II: BE/B Tech/MSc in Electronics/Electronics and Communication Engineering / Instrumentation / Mechatronics / Control System / Bio-Medical Engineering/ Equivalent.
Essential Work Experience:
Project Associate –II: 2 years experience in Research and Development in Industrial or Academic Institutions or Science and Technology Organization or Scientific activities and services.
Project Associate –II:
Knowledge of electric motors, sensors, control laws, and electronic circuits.
Hands-on experience in Python/C/C++ Programming, Mobile APP/GUI, Linux OS, MATLAB.
Hand-on experience in circuit simulation and synthesis, experience in assembly and testing of multilayer PCBs.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.