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Event Description
CSIR Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants invites application from eligible candidates for Walk-in-Interview for the following posts:
Post Name: Project Associate-I
Essential Qualification: M.Sc (Agriculture) in Entomology/ M Sc in Zoology from a recognised University or equivalent
Desirable: Research experience in rearing of insect pests in the laboratory and screening of plant extracts/essential oils/insecticides for their bio efficacy
Post Name: Project Associate-I/II
Essential Qualification:
Project Associate–I: M.Sc (Agriculture) in Soil Science/ Agronomy/M Sc. in Botany from a recognised University or equivalent
For Project Associate– II: M.Sc (Agriculture) in Soil Science/ Agronomy/ M Sc. in Botany from a recognised University or equivalent and 2 years relevant experience in Research and Development in Industrial/Academic/ Research Institutions
Desirable: Experience in working on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Place of Interview: CSIR-CIMAP Research Centre, Bengaluru
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.