There is a lot of confusion going on regarding the marking scheme on UPSC CDS as there is no information mentioned in the notification regarding the marking scheme for correct answers. When I did some research, I found out that for English and G.K. the marks for correct answer is 0.83 but not for Maths. Now the dilemma begins from here because on some websites it is given that for English and G.K. the UPSC gives 0.83 marks, but in the case of Maths UPSC gives 1 mark for every correct answer, but the question is how it can be possible? because the total paper is of 100 marks and the total question is 120.
UPSC CDS exam marking for correct answer
Total marks per section: 100
Marks per question = total marks / number of question (as questions carry equal marks) (0.8333)
Negative marks = 33% of marks per question (0.2750)
It seems that number of questions per section change, sometimes 120 and sometimes 100.
Please verify this information from official sources.
Okay so if there is 100 questions then also the paper will be of 100marks and when the paper is of 120 question then also the paper is of 100 marks. So the confusion is clear. Thanks jaigupta