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Event Description
Sainik School Ghorakhal invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:
Post Name: Trained Graduate Teacher (English)
Essential Qualification:
(i) Four years integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT or other NCTE recognised institution in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate. OR
Bachelors Honours Degree with at least 50% marks in concerned subject/ combination of subjects and also in aggregate. Candidate should have studied requisite subject(s) for at least 2 years in the 03 years degree course. OR
Bachelors Degree from a recognised university with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject/ combination of subjects and also in aggregate. The candidate should have studied the requisite subjects in all three years of degree.
(ii) BEd or equivalent degree from a recognised University.
(iii) Pass in the CTET paper II by CBSE.
(iv) Proficiency in teaching in English Medium.
(i) Teaching experience in Public School.
(ii) Higher qualifications
(iii) Proficiency in Games/Sports and other extra co-curricular activities.
(iv) Knowledge of Computer Application.
Post Name: Physical Training Instructor/Physical Efficiency Master cum Matron
Essential Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Physical Education (BPEd) or Equivalent.
Desirable: Achievement in Sports
Address to send the application: The Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to The Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal, PO-Ghorakhal, District - Nainital (Uttarakhand) Pin-263156 along with relevant documents.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.