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Event Description
Directorate of School Education Puducherry invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment :
Post Name : Trained Graduate Teacher
Essential Qualification :
(1) Bachelor Degree in the respective subject/language from any recognized university
(2) BEd or BT of any recognized university
(3) Should have studied the particular regional language (Tamil/ Telugu/ Malayalam) as one of the subjects in the Secondary level. In respect of schools with medium of Instruction in French, should have studied Brevet Elementaire de Francais. However, this qualification is not required for the Trained Graduate Teacher in the discipline of Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and French as these languages are regional language of Union Territory of Puducherry.
(4) Should have obtained the minimum qualifying marks in Paper-II of TNTET/KTET/APTET/CTET
Address to send the application: The Candidate must fill in the application form and send it to Director, Directorate of School Education, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Centenary Educational Complex, 100 feet Road, Anna Nagar, Puducherry-605005 along with relevant documents.
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexure, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.