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Event Description
Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission invites applications for the following posts via direct recruitment:
Post Name:
Instructor (Electrician)
Instructor (Fitter)
Instructor (Electronics Mechanic)
Instructor (Welder)
Instructor (Employability Skills)
Instructor (Art-Mathematic)
Instructor (Draughtsman Civil)
Instructor (Fashion Design and Technology)
Instructor (Machinist)
Instructor (Shewing Technology)
Instructor (Mechanic Motor Vehicle)
Instructor (Information and Instrumentation Communication Technology System Maintenance)
Instructor (Cometology)
Instructor (Stenographer and Secretarial Assistant (Hindi))
Instructor (Turner)
Instructor (Refrigeration and Air Condition Technician)
Instructor (Draughtsman Mechanic)
Instructor (Plumber)
Instructor (Computer Operator and Programming Assistant)
Instructor (Mechanic Auto Body Painting)
Instructor (Mechanic Auto Body Repair)
Instructor (Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances)
Instructor (Painter General)
Instructor (Carpenter)
Instructor (Dress Making)
Instructor (Surveyor)
For more details related to eligibility criteria, fee, pattern, annexures, place of posting etc. refer to the attachments below.