This is for the information that the syllabus of all papers or Main Written examination will remain the same. But pattern/format of questions will change a little, compared to last year (CGLRE — 2022), as noted below.
- Last year’s (CGLRE - 2022) pattern of questions for General Studies in the Main Examination was Objective type & short answer type. This year the question paper pattern for General Studies in the Main written examination will be objective type only.
- The pattern of the question of Mathematics will be MCQ type, like CGLRE - 2022.
- So far as the language paper is concerned, 80 questions will be MCQ to be answered in the OMR answer sheet. Questions about Precis Writing and Translation will not be MCQ and will have to be answered in the Question- cum Answer Booklet. 80 MCQs will carry 80 marks. Translation and Precis questions will carry 20 marks.
- All MCQs will invite negative markings for wrong answers.