Bank vs SSC

We can not directly compare Bank vs SSC, as each has different posts and different work profile jobs. So, comparing jobs of the same qualification would be more practical. Like CGL vs PO or CHSL vs CLERK.

Comparing CGL vs PO:

- First, we see year-wise vacancies

VACANCIES (YEAR WISE)2019201820172016

- Exam Pattern

PreEnglish-30 Numerical ability - 35 Reasoning Ability - 35 (Total time - 60 Minutes)Math - 25 English - 25 Reasoning - 25 GK/GS - 25 (Total time - 60 minutes)
MainsReasoning and computer aptitude - 45 English - 35 DI - 35 General/Economics/ Banking Awareness - 40Maths - 100 English - 200
Paper 3InterviewDescriptive Paper

- Salary

In-Hand SalaryApprox 55000 (in X city)Group B- 70,000(x city) Group c - 47,000(x city)


- Promotion of a PO-

- Promotion In SSC CGL-

Post like income tax inspector, excise inspector, divisional accountant, assistant in ED, cag, cgda auditors has vacancies all over India and thus better chance to get home posting if not in starting than in next transfer or so. Auditor posts though have less remuneration than interview posts but u can get a salary as par with 4800-grade pay after clearing the SAS exam for which you are eligible after 2 years of continuous service.

Comparing Bank Clerk vs SSC CHSL

- Year-wise vacancy

Vacancy (YEAR WISE)2021202020192018
Clerk (SBI+IBPS)12773194632066814475

- Exam Pattern

Paper 1English - 30 Math - 35 Reasoning - 35 (Total time - 1 hr)Math - 25 English - 25 Reasoning - 25 GK/GS - 25 (Total Time - 1 HR)
Paper 2English - 40 Math - 50 Reasoning - 50 General/Financial Awareness - 50 (Total Time - 2 hr 40 min.)Descriptive Paper (Time - 1hr)


SALARYApprox 30,000Approx 30,000


Bank Clerk Promotion -

Bank Clerk → Officier / Assistant Manager → Manager → Senior Manager → Chief Manager → Asst. General Manager → Deputy General Manager → General Manager.
SSC CHSL Promotion -

LDC/Assistant/UDC→Divisional clerk →Section officer

2 months later