About MBA in Finance
It is one of the top MBA specialisation which opens up various opportunities in the financial world for students and imparts them knowledge on management, control and review of the collection, investment, and resources of money. MBA in Finance is offered by all top MBA institutes in India either as a specialisation or elective course in the second year of the degree programme. MBA in Finance graduates can also get jobs in stock markets, audit agencies and taxation firms and can also set up their own business.


  • Students wanting to pursue MBA in Finance must have a minimum of 50% aggregate or equivalent CGPA in bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.

  • Most of the institutes accept candidates on the basis of entrance exam scores like CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, SNAP, etc.

Syllabus for MBA in Finance includes the following subjects:

Core SubjectsElective Subjects
Financial ReportingFinancial Management
Portfolio ManagementInternational Financial Management
Corporate TaxationCommercial Banking
Marketing ManagementCorporate Taxation
Organisational BehaviourIndian Accounting Standards
Managerial AccountingFixed Income Securities

Job Options
Various kind of jobs in finance like:

  • Investment Banking

  • Asset Management

  • Hedge Funds or Private Equity

  • Portfolio Management

  • Credit Risk Management

  • Derivatives Structuring

  • Treasury

  • Corporate Banking

  • Corporate Finance

Skills Required
Quantitative skills, Leadership qualities, Data interpretations, Analytical skills, Critical thinking, and more.

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