About MBA in Human Resource
t is a specialisation which is designed to produce HR professionals who can manage workforce of the organisation. The work of HR department of any organisation includes developing company’s culture among employees, hire talents that are best in the field and retain them. Students who opt for HR specialisation get insight in the areas such as: recruitment and selection process, training and development, designing jobs, assessments and motivation, health and safety, compensation.


  • Students wanting to pursue MBA in HR must have a minimum of 50% aggregate or equivalent CGPA in bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.

  • Most institutes admit candidates on the basis of scores in relevant MBA entrance exam such as CAT, XAT, CMAT, MAT, SNAP, etc.


Subjects in First yearSubjects in Second year
Quantitative Techniques for ManagementPersonal Management Concepts
Marketing ManagementCompensation Management
Managerial EconomicsMethodology of Training and Development
Human Resource ManagementIndustrial Relations Management
Accounting and Finance for ManagersHuman Resource Development and Planning
Research Methods for ManagementStrategic Management
Principles of Management and Organisational BehaviourPerformance Management: Systems and strategies

Job Options
Some of the job titles in HR are:

  • HR Generalist

  • Staffing Manager

  • Technical Recruiter

  • Compensation Manager

  • Employee Relations Manager

  • Employment or Placement Manager

  • HR Training and Development Manager

  • Organisational development and change consultant

Skills Required
Multi-tasking skills, Organisational skills, Communication skills, Problem-solving skills, Conflict management skills and more.

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