Employee State Insurance Corporation Recruitment

Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) for the recruitment of eligible candidates in the post of Upper Division Clerk will conduct a three-stage recruitment process -Prelims, Mains & Skill Test. The prelims exam & skill test will be of qualifying nature and the final selection will be based on the marks scored by the candidates in ESIC UDC Phase-II (Mains) Exam.

Post Name - Upper Division Clerk(UDC)

Qualification Criteria

  1. A degree of a recognized University or equivalent.
  2. Working knowledge of computer including use of office suites and

How to Apply

Interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria can do the ESIC online registration steps are given to apply online

  • Login to Official Website - https://www.esic.nic.in/ of ESIC

  • Now click on the link “Apply Online”

  • Fill in all the details carefully

  • Upload the required documents

  • Pay fees

  • Check if the details are correct or not.

  • Finally submit the online application form

  • Print the hard copy of the Application form

    Application Fees

    The Application fees with categories are in the table below

    Candidate CategoryFee Amount
    SC/ST/PWD/ Departmental Candidates, Female Candidates & Ex-Servicemen This fee of Rs. 250/- will get refunded if candidates appear in Phase-I of the examinationRs. 250/-
    All other categoriesRs. 500/-

    Age Limit

    The minimum age requirement for UDC is 18 years and the maximum age is 27 years.
    The upper age limit is relaxable for persons belonging to reserved categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-Servicemen and for ESIC Employees, Government Servants as under:

    Sl. NoCategoryAge Relaxation permissible beyond the Upper age limit
    1.SC/ST5 years
    2.OBC3 years
    3.PWD(i) UR- 10 years<br>(ii) OBC- 13 years (iii) SC/ST- 15 years As per instructions of DoPT, a PWD applicant is entitled to age concession in different combinations subject to the condition of the maximum age of 56 years. Further in the case of PWD by virtue of being an ESIC/Govt. Employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a ‘person with a disability or as an ESIC/Govt. Employee’ whichever may be more beneficial to him/her.
    4.Ex-Servicemen(i) UR- 3 years (ii) OBC- 6 years (iii) SC/ST- 8 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age
    5.ESIC Employee/ Government servant who has rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of application(i) UR- up to 40 years(ii) OBC- up to 43 years (iii) SC/ST- up to 45 years Note- Applicant should continue to have the status of ESIC Govt. servant till the time of appointment, in the event of his/her selection.
    6.Other categories of personsIn accordance with the instructions and orders of Govt. of India issued from time to time

Scheme of Examination

For the Post of Upper Division Clerk
Phase-I - Preliminary examination( Qualifying )

S. No.Name of the Test(Objective Type)Number of QuestionsMaximum MarksLanguage
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550Hindi and English
2General Awareness2550Hindi and English
3Quantitative Aptitude2550Hindi and English
4English Comprehension2550English

The preliminary examination is of qualifying nature and the duration of the examination is 1 hour and these marks will not be considered for final merit. There is a negative marking of one-fourth of the mark for each wrong answer to that question. The candidate will get shortlisted for phase-II in the ratio of 1:10 that is about 10 times the number of vacancies in each category on the basis of their performance in the Phase-I examination.

Phase-II - Mains Examination

S. No.Name of the Test(Objective Type)Number of QuestionsMaximum MarksLanguage
1General Intelligence and Reasoning2550Hindi and English
2General Awareness2550Hindi and English
3Quantitative Aptitude2550Hindi and English
4English Comprehension2550English

The duration of the Mains examination is 2 hours and the marks obtained in Phase-II Examination will be considered for final selection. In this case for each wrong answer, there will be a negative marking of one-fourth of marks that will get deducted from a question. The candidate will get selected for Phase-III Computer skills Test in the ratio of 1:5 nearly 5 times the number of vacancies in each of the categories on the basis of performance in the Mains examination.
Phase-III - Computer Skill Test(Qualifying)
It consists of three parts given below

S. No.Description of TestMarks
1Preparation of 2 PowerPoint Slides10
2Typing matter on MS Word with formatting10
3Preparation of table on MS Excel with the use of formulae20
Total Marks50

The duration of the computer skills test is 30 minutes.
PWD candidates who are unable to type, their Working knowledge of Computers shall be assessed by holding an Objective type Computer test of 50 marks that has 50 questions with no negative marking. Computer Tests are of qualifying nature marks obtained will not be considered for merit ranking.
Qualifying Marks:-
The Qualifying marks in Preliminary Exam, Mains Exam will be 45% for UR category, 40% for OBC category & EWS category, 35% for SC, ST & Ex. Serviceman category and 30% for PWD category. The qualifying mark for the Computer-based skills test for PWDs will be decided by ESIC.

Pay scale

UDC Pay Level – 4 (Rs. 25,500-81,100) as per 7th Central Pay Commission.

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