Since, the syllabus for CAT MBA Entrance exam is considered as a standard syllabus and many other MBA Entrance Exam governing bodies in India do not hesitate to follow the syllabus of CAT. Therefore, one who has prepared for CAT can crack all other MBA Entrance Exams getting held throughout India. So, along With CAT preparation, one can appear in many other MBA entrance exams conducted on the National level, State level and by the institutes or universities on their own.
These exams can be categorized into 3 sections :
1.National Level Exams : CMAT, MAT, XAT, NMAT, SNAP, ATMA, GMAT, etc. that can be attempted along with CAT.
2.State Level Exams : MAH CET, TANCET, PGCET, KMAT etc. can be attempted and ensure admission in their choice of State’s colleges and universities ie; Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, UP, Panjab, Haryana, AP, Telangana, Kerala, etc.
3.Institute or University Level Exams : Aspirants can appear for Some other popular institute’s or university’s specific exams ie; IRMA, IIFT, TISS NET, IBSAT, UPES MET, etc.

4 days later

What is the criteria for mba admission in jnu, New Delhi? is there any need of cat score?