

RRB NTPC exam is conducted by Railway Recruitment Board to fill various auxiliary posts in the Indian Railways. This examination is conducted for the Non-Technical Popular Categories.
There are 2 types of posts offered by RRB-
1st Graduate posts
2nd is Undergraduate posts
Railway Recruitment Board gives opportunity to degree holders and 12th pass candidates.
Those students who have a Degree from recognised university are eligible for the graduate posts and those who have 12th pass certificate are eligible for the undergraduate posts.

RRB NTPC Recruitment Designations

  • RRB NTPC undergraduates posts
    Junior Clerk cum Typist
    Assistant Clerk cum Typist
    Junior Timekeeper
    Trains Clerk
    Commercial cum Ticket Clerk

  • RRB NTPC posts for graduate posts
    Traffic Assistant
    Goods Guard
    Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk
    Senior Clerk cum Typist
    Junior Account Assistant cum Typist
    Senior Time Keeper
    Commercial Apprentice
    Station Master

Application Process

  • Firstly you have visit the official website https://indianrailways.gov.in/

  • After that you have to choose recruitment option given in blue bar

  • Then you have to choose the district according to your preference

  • After that you have to choose the post you are willing to apply for

  • After that you have to click on “APPLY” button

  • Next click on, “NEW REGISTRATION LINK”

  • You will find a blank form to fill up your personal details and qualification details ,

  • Then you have to pay the specific amount to submit the form

  • After the payment the form will be submitted, and you will be allotted a registration number.

RRB NTPC Application fees

The RRB NTPC fees are different based on different categories. The application fees can be paid via three means as-

Online Mode: Via net banking, credit card, debit card.
Post office Challan: From any branch State Bank
Challan form Bank: in computerized from any branch

Category wise application fees is mentioned below-

CategoriesExam Fees
General/OBCRs. 500/-
SC/ST/PWD/EX Serviceman/Female/Transgender/Minorities/Economically backward classRs. 250/-

Eligibility criteria & Qualifications

Age LimitYou must be in the age group of 18-30/33 years (under graduate posts)
NationalityIndian citizen Subject of bhutan or nepal Tibetan refugee who came over india before 1st jan 1962 Person of indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam with to permanently settle in India.
Educational QualificationCandidates must have a Bachelor’s degree and for certain posts, should have at least passed the 12th Std.
Number of AttemptsThere is no such restriction

Age relaxations for undergraduate & graduation posts

CategoryAge Limit Relaxation
General/ Unreserved0 years (18 to 33)
Other Backward Classes (OBC)3 years (18 to 36)
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe5 years(18 to 38)
Ex-Servicemen candidates who have put in more than 6 months service after attestation (General)General - 33 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
OBC- 36 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
SC/ST- 38 Years + Number of years of service rendered in Defence + 3 years
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)General -10 years (40)
OBC- 13 years (43)
SC/ST-15 years (45)
Candidates ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989General -5 years (38)
OBC-8 years (41)
SC/ST- 10 years (43)
Candidates who are working in Quasi-Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens,Co-operative Societies and InstitutesGeneral -33 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
OBC- 36 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
SC/ST-38 Years + length of service rendered or 5 years, whichever is lower
Women candidates, who are widowed, divorced or judicially separated from husband but not remarriedGeneral -35 years
OBC- 38 years
SC/ST-40 years
Candidates who are serving Group ‘C’ and Group ‘D’ Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes and put in a minimum of 3 years service (continuous or in broken spells)General- 40 years
OBC- 43 years
SC/ST- 45 years

Educational Qualification

Brief about the educational qualification for RRB NTPC recruitment designations-

DesignationsEducational QualificationsRequired proficiency
Commercial Apprentice/Station Master/Goods GuardDegree in any discipline from the university which is recognized or it is equivalent.
Junior Accounts Assistant cum typist/Senior Clerk Cum TypistDegree from the university which is recognized, Typing Proficiency in Hindi/English on computer.Candidates must have typing proficiency in English / Hindi
Senior commercial clerk cum Ticket ClerkDegree in any discipline from university which is recognized or its equivalent.
Senior Time KeeperDegree from the university which is recognized, Typing Proficiency in Hindi/English on computer.Candidates must have typing proficiency in English / Hindi
Traffic AssistantDegree in any discipline from the university which is recognized or it’s equivalent.
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk12th or equivalent with at least 50% of marks. 50% marks is not required for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen category candidates.
Account Clerk cum Junior Clerk Cum Typist Typist/Junior Timekeeper12th or equivalent with at least 50% of marks. 50% marks is not required for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen category candidates.Candidates must have typing proficiency in English / Hindi
Trains Clerk12th or equivalent with at least 50% of marks. 50% marks is not required for SC/ST/PwD/Ex-Servicemen category candidates.

Syllabus of RRB NTPC

Number SystemsNational and International Current EventsAnalogies
DecimalsGames and SportsCompletion of Number and Alphabetical Series,
FractionsArt and Culture of IndiaCoding and Decoding
LCM and HCFIndian LiteratureMathematical Operations
Ratio and ProportionsMonuments and Places of IndiaSimilarities and Differences
PercentageGeneral and Life Science (Up to 10th Std)Relationships
MensurationHistory of India and Freedom StruggleAnalytical Reasoning
Time and WorkPhysical, Social and Economic Geography of India and WorldSyllogism
Time and DistanceIndian Polity and GovernanceJumbling
Simple and Compound InterestUN and Other Important World OrganisationsVenn Diagrams
Profit and LossTransport Systems in IndiaPuzzle
Elementary AlgebraIndian EconomyData Sufficiency
Geometry and TrigonometryFamous Personalities of India and WorldSeating Arrangements
Elementary StatisticsFlagship Government ProgramsStatement – Conclusion
Flora and Fauna of IndiaStatement – Courses of Action
Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of IndiaDecision Making
General Scientific and Technological Developments of IndiaMaps
Basics of ComputersInterpretation of Graphs

Schemes & Patterns

Exam Pattern for RRB NTPC
There are basically 4 stages to clear and get selection-for the examination-

  • STAGE 1- CBT 1

  • STAGE2- CBT 2

  • STAGE 3- Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test

  • STAGE 4- Medical examination/Document verification

    RRB-NTPC CBT 1 Exam pattern

    SubjectTotal No. of QuestionsMarks
    General Intelligence and Reasoning3030
    General Awareness4040
  • Total time duration- 90 minutes ( 120 minutes for eligible PwBD candidates)

  • Negative marking- 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each wrong answer given by the aspirant.

  • Those candidates who score minimum qualifying marks and score more than the cut-off marks will be eligible for CBT 2

  • The question paper will be Objective type

RRB-NTPC CBT 2 Exam pattern

SubjectTotal No. of QuestionsMarks for each section
General Awareness5050
General Intelligence and Reasoning3535
  • Time duration- 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates)

  • Negative marking- 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each wrong answer given by the aspirant.

  • The question paper will be Objective type

  • Those candidates who score minimum qualifying marks and score more than the cut-off marks will be called for stage 3.

    Computer Based Aptitude Test (For those candidates who are applying for Post- Traffic Assistant and Station Master)

  • Candidates are selected for CBAT on the basis of marks scored in 2nd stage.

  • Candidates are selected for CBAT on the basis of marks scored in 2nd stage Candidates who scored 70% marks in CBT stage 2 and 30% marks in CBAT examination are eligible for the merit list.

Name of the postLevel in 7th CPC1st stage CBT2nd stage CBT
Junior Clerk cum Typist/Accounts Clerk cum Typist/Junior Time Keeper/Trains Clerk2Same for all postsCommon For all Level 2 PostsTyping Skill Test (Except for Trains clerk)
Commercial cum Ticket Clerk3Same for all postsSeparate for Level 3 post
Traffic Assistant4Same for all postsSeparate for Level 4 postComputer Based Aptitude Test
Goods Guard/Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk/Senior Clerk cum Typist/Junior Account Assistant cum Typist/Senior Time Keeper5Same for all postsCommon For all Level 5 postsTyping Skill Test (Except for Goods Guard,Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk)
Commercial Apprentice/Station Master6Same for all postsCommon For all Level 6 postsComputer Based Aptitude Test (Except for Commercial Apprentice )**

Typing Skill Test (TST)

Qualifying in nature
Candidates needs to have a certificate who have a disability of boundlessness or low vision of not less than 40% issued from the Competent Medical Board, the merit will be based on the 2nd stage of CBT

Speed of Typing
30 Words Per Minute
25 Words Per Minutes

RRB NTPC Document verification

There is a list of required documents that the candidate needs to carry for the verification round. The list of the documents are mentioned below-

  • Proof of date of birth and matric qualification.
  • High School/ Matriculation Examination Certificate.
  • Degree or Diploma Certificate.
  • Category Certificate.
  • Income certificate for waiving examination fee.
  • Medical certificate for persons with difficulty (PWD).
  • Minority declaration on non judicial stamp paper.
  • NOC (No Objection Certificate) from serving employees or ex-servicemen.
  • Death Certificate of the husband for the widow candidates

RRB NTPC Medical examination

After clearing all the stages, the last stage will be a medical examination. In this stage, the fitness level of candidates will be tested by the board and after being declared fit, they will be finally considered for the post of RRB NTPC.

RRB NTPC-Medical Standards

Post NameLevel in 7th CPCMedical Standards
Commercial Apprentice (CA)6B2
Station Master6A2
Goods Guard5A2
Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist5C2
Senior Clerk-Cum-typist5C2
Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk5B2
Senior Time Keeper5C2
Traffic Assistant4A2
Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk3B2
Accounts Clerk Cum Typist2C2
Junior Clerk Cum Typist2C2
Junior Time Keeper2C2
Trains Clerk2A3

RRB NTPC-Physical Fitness

The Railway Administration conducted a physical fitness test for the candidates who are called for the document verification and they have to pass the test to be considered in the merit list.

Medical StandardGeneral FitnessVisual Activity
A-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/9 without glasses(No Fogging Test)
Near Vision:Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses and must pass tests for colour vision, Myopic vision, Night Vision, and Binocular Vision.
A-3The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/9 without or with glasses(Power of lenses should not exceed 2D)
Near Vision:Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses and must pass tests for colour vision, Myopic vision, Night Vision, and Binocular Vision.
B-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/6,6/12 without or with glasses(Power of lenses should not exceed 4D)
Near Vision: Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses when close work is required or while reading. And must pass the test for the field of vision (Binocular Vision) etc
C-2The candidate must be Physically fit in all respects.Distant Vision: 6/12, Nill without or with glasses.
Near Vision: Sn 0.6, 0.6 without or with glasses while reading or close work is required.

RRB NTPC Minimum qualifying marks

CBT-1 & CBT-2

CategoryMinimum qualifying marks
Other Backward Class30%
Scheduled Caste30%
Scheduled Tribe25%


Minimum T-score of 42 marks is required in each test to qualify CBAT irrespective of community or category and no relaxation is admissible.

Mode of examination

The Railway NTPC exam is a centralised exam and conducted as an Online mode.

Language of examination

The RRB NTPC online examination is conducted in 15 languages, mentioned below-



RRB-NTPC basic pay salary for different posts are given below-

Junior Clerk cum Typist Accounts Clerk cum Typist Junior Timekeeper Trains ClerkRs. 19900/-
Commercial cum Ticket ClerkRs. 21700/-
Traffic AssistantRs. 25500/-
Goods Guard Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerk Senior Clerk cum Typist Junior Account Assistant cum Typist Senior Time KeeperRs 29200/-
Commercial Apprentice Station MasterRs 35400/-

Additional Benefits and Perks

Employees who are selected for the RRB NTPC post get a good amount of salary with additional benefits and allowances. The additional benefits are mentioned below-

  • House Rent Allowance
  • Dearness Allowance
  • Pension
  • Medical Facilities

Changes in House rent allowance after After the 7th Pay Commission is imposed-

City CategoryHRA before 7th pay commissionHRA after 7th pay commission
Population> 50 lakhs ( City X)30%24%
Population within 50 lakhs ( City Y)20%16%
Population< 50 lakhs ( City Z)10%8%

RRB NTPC Job Responsibility

Different posts have different responsibilities to do which all are mentioned below-

Undergraduate Job Responsibilities

Junior Clerk cum TypistAssisting higher officials and helping them in data entry works. Handle and maintain files and documents Check all internal transactions
Accounts Clerk cum Typistcheck the financial irregularities .Assisting the administration Activities. Responsible for data entry work. Tracking the monetary transaction
Junior Time Keeperkeep the track of the number of coaches of the trains. maintain the General Records related to trains.
Commercial cum TicketResponsible for issuing the Reserved and Unreserved Tickets.

Graduate job Responsibilities

PostJob Responsibility
Traffic AssistantResponsible for Traffic and Signalling for trains. ensure the safe passage of the train.Needs to work in different shifts
Goods GuardEnsure break connectivity and to monitor the vehicle. Need to work with the station master
Senior Commercial cum Ticket Clerkcheck the issued tickets & luggage
Senior Clerk cum TypistSupervise Junior clerk maintain all the finance-related records. maintain all indoor related activities.
Junior Account Assistant cum TypistMaintaining Tracks records of financial works like budget etc
Senior Time KeeperKeeping records of the moment of different trains. Needs to supervise the junior timekeepers.
Commercial AppraiseCommercial branches supervision Work done in required time period and shifts
Station MasterManage the assign activities of Railway Responsibility of safety Duty distribution among the staff Smooth arrival and departure of trains
7 months later
a month later
3 months later

nahi level 6 me to other state me gya the center iska bhi janha se apply kiya vaha to nahi jayega baaki abbhi check krna pdega

2019 me form bhare gye the, abhi tak CBT 2 nahi hua h. Final result kab tak aa sakta h ?
Jis tarah se Railway posts ko withdraw kar raha h, ye exam bhi agar cancel ho jaye to koi surprise nahi hoga