What is a CBSE Merit Certificate?
CBSE will award Merit Certificate to those candidates who have obtained Grade A1 in all the five subjects (excluding the 6th additional subject) at the Secondary School examination, as per the qualifying criteria.
Eligibility Criteria for a CBSE merit certificate
The Board will award Merit Certificates in each subject to the top 0.1 % of candidates passing that subject, provided that they have passed the examination as per the pass criteria of the Board.
The number of Merit Certificates in a subject, will be determined by rounding of the number of candidates passing the subject to the nearest multiple of thousand.
If the number of candidates passing a subject is less than 500, no merit certificate will be issued.
In the matter of a tie, if one student gets a Merit Certificate, all candidates getting that score will get the Merit Certificate.
Students can download their merit certificates from the DigiLocker(https://www.digilocker.gov.in)