JNU to conduct admissions through CUET from 2022-2023

From 2022 to 2023, JNU will conduct admissions using CUET though teachers’ and students’ unions are opposed.

Admission to different programmes at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) will be done through the Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUET) beginning in the academic year 2022-23, as per the council’s earlier decision on March 22, 2018, during its 157th meeting.
The decision was made during the university’s Academic Council meeting, and the deemed university announced it late last night, January 12th.
The council’s decision was made in conformity with a previous resolution made on March 22, 2017, during its 157th meeting. The National Testing Agency will organise the CUET (NTA).

According to a statement released by JNU, the use of CUET for student admission will provide a fair playing field for numerous eligible candidates across India and minimise the overall load of administering several entrance examinations.
Earlier, admission to JNU courses was held primarily through the Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Examination (JNUEE), except for PhD programmes. For admission to Doctorate courses, candidates were admitted on the basis of their JNUEE scores and a viva voice.

After Delhi University, JNU has become the second university to decide on implementing CUET from the next academic year.
The CUET was supposed to be implemented from 2021, but was postponed due to the corona virus pandemic.

Students’ ,Teachers Unions oppose

However, the JNU Teachers’ Association (JNUTA) and the JNU students’ union (JNUSU) expressed their opposition to Wednesday’s decision.
Aishe Ghosh, president of JNUSU, claimed that the CUET decision was “imposed” in an autocratic manner. "Once again, the JNU Academic Council went above and above to impose its will on the decision-making process.

The Vice-Chancellor “has once again imposed his diktat, making JNU part of the CUET,” according to the JNUTA . They accused the Vice-Chancellor of arranging the CUET discussion, which was issued as an additional agenda item on January 10, by claiming that the topic had already been decided during the Academic Council’s 157th meeting.
Honorable member when he said that he did not like the way he stopped people from speaking by muting their mics, the statement by JNUTA said.
They said the members of the Academic Council have reported that there was no discussion on CUET during the Academic Council meeting in March last year.

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