Normalization is the process of converting values measured on several scales to a supposedly common scale.

Exams for a specific post/course may be stretched out over numerous shifts, with each shift having a distinct question paper. Because the questions may differ in different sets and the difficulty level of a single set may differ from that of other sets, normalisation should be done by taking into account the difficulty level of each set.

Normalisation Formula:

Normalisation will be done by using “Score Normalisation Based on Deviation Method” formula which is as under;


XnNormalized Score for each candidate
S2Is the SD of the shift with the Highest Average Score taken as base for normalization
S1Standard Deviation for the corresponding shift (to be scaled to S2)
XRaw score of a candidate
XavSimple average of the Shift
YavAverage corresponding to shift with highest average (taken as base for normalization)