To ensure inclusive governance, several efforts are being made by the Government of India.
For educational assistance, UGC provides financial help to tribal communities also, ie; PG Scholarship for ST Candidates; PG Scholarship for Professional Courses for ST candidates; Post-Doctoral Fellowship for ST Candidates, etc.
NEP 2020 facilitates ‘inclusive and equitable quality education’ at all levels of school education and higher education including access to education includes ST Categories too.
It also ensures that no child from any community or category would be left behind on the basis of birth or background.

It emphasizes on Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups inclusively. Hence, tribal communities have inclusively been benefited through NEP 2020.

Filling the social category gaps at all levels of school education is one of the major objectives of the scheme.
The Scheme reaches out to ST communities as well along with all other communities.
It focuses on the identified Specific Districts on the basis of adverse performance on various parameters of enrolment, retention, and gender parity, as well as incorporation of ST communities.

The major concern of Samagra Shiksha include RTE entitlements under which two sets of uniforms for children belonging to ST families’ as well in Government schools up to class VIII. A provision is also made for textbooks to all children including STs also in Government schools, Local schools and Government aided schools.

Under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas are residential schools from class VI to XII for girls belonging to SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and BPLs.

For Scheduled Tribes, 7.5% seats are already reserved in all fresh admissions in all Kendriya Vidyalayas across the country. Those ST students who are admitted under RTE quota are provided free of cost education along with free books, uniform, stationary and transportation. Also, there are provisions for reservation of seats in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in favour of children belonging to scheduled Tribes also.

Higher Education dept. Has provisioned 3 schemes for financial assistance to the students pursuing higher education i.e.; Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students, Special Scholarship Scheme for J&K and Central Sector Interest Subsidy Scheme. UGC, too, has provisioned PG Scholarships for professional courses and Post-Doctoral Fellowship for ST Candidates for the benefit of tribals across the country.

NEP 2020 policy has ensured some special provisions for the children belonging to the tribal communities so that they could benefit from these provisions and can get uplifted like others.

SakshiMishra changed the title to NEP 2020 : Benefits to Tribals Communities .

Schedule Tribes Communities are supposed to far behind in our society due to their limitations. But in new education policy 2020, will the students from this community remain eligible to avail the different existing schemes to support their education like before so that complete their education?