payal The Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan is a centrally sponsored programme, aims to work with 300-plus state universities and its affiliated colleges to raise the bar of campus life. This Abhiyan is launched in the year 2013. The RUSA strives to provide strategic support to state higher education institutions that meet certain criteria. The central funding is based on norms and is outcome dependent (60:40 for general category states, 90:10 for special category states, and 100 percent for union territories). In order to generate marketable and competitive graduates, post-graduates, and PhDs, RUSA lays a higher emphasis on improving the quality of teaching-learning processes. It is spread across 2 plan periods (XII and XIII). The programme focuses on state higher educational institutions and draws on best practises from colleges and universities around the country. In a nutshell, RUSA isn’t a touch-up paint colour. Every state university will be developed to its most exceptional version, according to the central government’s strategy. The RUSA reforms aim to create a self-sustaining momentum that will encourage state institutions to be more accountable and autonomous, as well as to emphasise the importance of improving education and infrastructure. Objectives Of RUSA RUSA’s main goals are to Increase access, equity, and quality in higher education through strategically developing higher education at the state level. Creating new academic institutions, expanding and upgrading existing ones, developing institutions that are self-sufficient in terms of quality education, professionally managed, and characterised by a greater inclination toward research. Providing students with education that is relevant to them as well as the country as a whole are all goals.