The School of Life Sciences (SLS) in JNU was established in 1970. This is a very prestigious institute offering various programmes in the field of life sciences. In the School, the teaching and research programme is conceptualized as an interdisciplinary programme. A holistic approach and deep understanding of the mechanisms operating in living systems is the fundamental technique of teaching here. Molecular, cellular and organismal biology are the major research areas for which this school is fully dedicated.
Programmes of Study
Ph.D. (Life Sciences): The School of life science offers core as well as foundation courses and some advanced courses for the Ph.D. students. Students are assessed and evaluated throughout the semester by a continuous system of tests, seminars, assignments, mid and end-semester examinations.
M.Sc. (Life Sciences): M. Sc. course is generally focused on research oriented understanding. This course offers students the choice of a research career. M.Sc. students are encouraged to rejoin SLS to pursue their doctoral studies, or seek admission in other institutions in India/abroad.