What is the eligibility criteria for a student to appear as a private candidate under Delhi Scheme in the Board examination in class X?
Candidates from the following categories are eligible to run as private candidates under the Delhi Scheme:
1.The prior year’s failure
2.Women candidates who are bonafide residents of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, and who meet the following additional requirements-
They have privately pursued the prescribed course of study under proper guidance, and they are unable to
enroll in a secondary school affiliated with the Board,or there are other compelling reasons for them to
appear as private candidates.
Women students who left an institute before or in class 9th will be allowed to sit for the examination in the
year in which they would have sat if they had continued their studies in a recognised institute until the
secondary examination.
A woman candidate may take the test in the year in which she would have taken it if she had finished her
education up to secondary level in a recognised institution.
3.Physically impaired students must show that they are unable to attend normal institutions in topics that do not need practical instruction or assessment.
4.Regular candidate (s) from the previous year who have finished a regular course of study and have been assigned a Roll No. for the test but were unable to present at the Annual Examination owing to medical reasons, save as provided in the Examination Regulations. Bylaws are rules that govern how things are done.