This discipline-Environmental Sciences, in JNU was established in 1974. The School of Environmental Sciences is truly multidisciplinary in its method of teaching, research and outreach activities. The research outcomes are value addition to existing information and for creation of newer knowledge which helps in affecting, analyzing and shaping policy interventions for environmental conservation and management.
M.Sc. : The School of Environmental Sciences offers a two years interdisciplinary M.Sc. programme in Environmental sciences. This program covers various aspects of the environment by providing in depth knowledge and understanding of local, regional and global level issues.
Ph.D. : Ph.D. students are required to go through one year of mandatory course work and secure qualifying CGPA for further continuation for the PhD thesis. The candidates can give their preference to any two research areas of the four research areas at the time of applying. The candidature of those candidates applying for more than two research areas of the School is likely to be rejected. Hence, candidates are advised to apply for not more than two research areas.