Chartered Accountancy (CA) is one of the most sought-after professional courses in India. It is a three-level program comprising Foundation, Intermediate, and Final courses.
Apart from clearing these three levels, every CA student is required to undergo the articleship, which involves practical training, for three years.
What exactly is Articleship?
Articleship is a mandatory part of the CA program and it provides a better overall learning experience.
The duration of articleship/practical training is three years.
It is mandatory for candidates to serve the first two years under a practicing CA. For the third year, candidates can either choose to continue under a practicing CA or opt for industrial training under a CA in employment.
Eligibility for commencing the articleship
Foundation/CPT route entrants are eligible for the articleship after passing either or both the Intermediate/IPCC groups and completing the four-week Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (ICITSS)/Information Technology Training (IT) and Orientation Course (OC).
Direct Route entrants can commence the articleship/practical training immediately after registering for the Intermediate/IPCC Course and completing the four-week ICITSS/ITT & OC.