Alongwith other exams in India, SBI also hires a graduate candidate. He or she must be a graduate as a minimum educational qualification. But in some circumstance, if a candidate is in the Final year or final semester of his or her Graduation can also apply with some condition applies in that case. Though, the mandatory criteria is that a bonafide candidate must be a graduate in any discipline from a recognized University or any recognized equivalent qualification.
Is it possible for final year students to apply for SBI PO?
Exactly it is but if appears in his or her final semester or final year of graduation degree, he or she must provide the proof of his or her qualification as he or she has qualified his/her graduation degree as on date of interview.
In rare situation, the bank can provide some more time on it’s own discretion, it thinks suitable for but one must try to furnish all the documentary proof within time as allowed by the bank.