Engineering Services Examination commonly known as ESE is conducted annually by UPSC to recruit engineers in four domains namely Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Telecommunications for the techno-managerial posts. This exam follows a three-stage pattern i.e. prelims , then Mains (which has 2 Discipline-specific Papers )followed by Interview. These candidates after the final selection are posted in various Ministries and Departments of GOI such as Railways, Telecom, Border Roads, CPWD, CWC, CPES, NHAI, Naval Armaments, IDSE, MES, Ordnance Factories etc with the benefit of moving to any cadre, organization, agency, department, ministry, and PSU of the Government of India. All these final selected candidates are designated as class-1 officers. the Following detail will guide Aspirants to get a clear idea about the whole examination process

Categories and details of the Posts

CategoryName of posts
Category I‐Civil Engineering. (Group‐A Services/Posts )1. Central Engineering Service 2. Central Engineering Service (Roads) 3. Group‐A (Civil Engineering Posts) 4.Survey of India Group ‘A’ Service. 5. AEE(Civil) in Border Road Engineering Service. 6. Indian Defence Service of Engineers. 7. AEE(QS&C) in MES Surveyor Cadre. 8. Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service. 9. Indian Skill Development Service
Category II‐Mechanical Engineering (Group‐A/B Services/Posts).1. AEE in GSI Engineering Service Gr ‘A’. 2. Indian Defence Service of Engineers. 3. Indian Naval Armament Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts). 4. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts) 5. Central Water Engineering (Group ‘A’) Service. 6. Indian Skill Development Service. 7. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Mechanical). 8. Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service (Mechanical Engg.) 9. Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Mechanical Engineering Posts) 10. AEE (Electrical and Mechanical) in Border Roads Engineering Service (Mechanical Engineering Posts)
Category III‐ Electrical Engineering (Group‐A/B Services/Posts)1. Central Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Service (Electrical Engineering Posts). 2. Indian Defence Service of Engineers. 3. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electrical Engineering Posts) 4. Central Power Engineering Service Gr ‘A’ (Electrical Engineering Posts). 5. Indian Naval Armament Service 6. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electrical). 7. Indian Skill Development Service.
Category IV‐ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (Group‐A/B Services/Posts)1. Indian Radio Regulatory Service Gr ‘A’. 2. Indian Telecommunication Service Gr ‘A’. 3. Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts). 4. Indian Naval Material Management Service (Electronics and Telecom Engineering Posts) 5. Junior Telecom Officer Gr ‘B’. 6. Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service/SSO‐II (Electronics & Tele). 7. Central Power Engineering Gr ‘A’ (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Posts).8. Indian Skill Development Service.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Essential Qualification: Candidates who possess any of the following eligibility can apply-
  • Degree in Engineering from a University or other Educational Institutions or deemed Universities.
  • Passed Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India); or obtained a degree/diploma in Engineering from a foreign University/College/Institution (recognized by Indian Government for the purpose from time to time).
  • Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India)
  • Passed Associate Membership Examination Parts II and III/Sections A and B of the Aeronautical Society of India
  • Passed Graduate Membership Examination of the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers, London held after November 1959

(II)Eligibility specific to Posts

  • For Indian Naval Armament Service (Electronics Engg. Posts) - M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a special subject.
  • For Indian Radio Regulatory Service – M.Sc. degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communication Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as a subject or Master’s Degree in Science with Physics and Radio Communication or Electronics or Telecommunication as a special subject.

(III) Nationality:
A candidate must be either:
A citizen of India or
A subject of Nepal or
A subject of Bhutan or
A Tibetan refugee migrated before January 1 1962 in India.
A person of Indian origin*

(IV) Age Limit
Candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on the 1st January of present month. For example if a candidate wish to give the exam in the year 2020 He/She must be born after 2nd Jan 1990 and before 2nd Jan 1999.

Relaxation in Age

CategoryAge Relaxation
GeneralNot applicable
Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe;Upto 5 years
OBCUpto 3 years
Ex-servicemen Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOswith at least 5 years of serviceUpto 5 years
Candidates working for Defence Services Of IndiaUpto 3years
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities *Upto 10 years
Government Servants employed in a Department*Upto 5 years
Cumulative Age RelaxationAvailable (for SC, ST and OBC candidates also falling under any additional category viz Ex-serviceman or PwBD*)

Government servants employed in any of the authorities mentioned in column 1 can apply for admission to the examination for Post mentioned in column 2, for which they are otherwise eligible.
This relaxation will not be admissible to a probationer appointed against a permanent post in the Department/Office during the period of his probation. However, this relaxation will be admissible to a probationer so appointed provided he/she already retains a lien on a permanent post in a Department/Office under the control of any of the authorities mentioned in column 1.

Reference Table for Government Employees in Specific departments who wish to apply for the Exam

Column 1Column 2
Central Public Works DepartmentC.E.S. Group ‘A’, CE&MES Gr ‘A’
Ministry of Road Transport and HighwaysCentral Engineering Service (Roads) Gr. ‘A’
Ministry of Communication, Deptt. of TelecommunicationIndian Radio Regulatory Service Group ‘A’ Indian Telecommunication Service Group ‘A’, J.T.O. (G.C.S. Gr. ‘B’)
Ministry of Defence, Deptt. of Defence Production, Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality AssuranceDefence Aeronautical Quality Assurance Service(DAQAS)Gr ‘A’
Ministry of Science and Technology, Deptt. of Science and TechnologySurvey of India Gr ‘A’ Service
Geological Survey of IndiaAssistant Executive Engineer Gr ‘A’
Border Roads OrganisationBRES Gr. ‘A’
Indian NavyIndian Naval Armament Service, Asstt. Naval Store Officer Grade-I
Military Engineer ServicesIndian Defence Service of Engineers (lDSE) Group ‘A’ AEE(QS&C) in Military Engineer Service (MES) Surveyor Cadre
Ministry of Jal Shakti, Deptt. of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Central Water CommissionCentral Water Engineering Group-A Service.
Central Electricity AuthorityCPES Gr ‘A’ & CPES Gr ‘B’.
Ministry of Skill Development & EntrepreneurshipIndian Skill Development Service


General /EWS and OBC CandidatesRs. 200/‐
Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidatesExempted
Modes of Payment (a)Cash deposit at any SBI Branch ( next day) (b)Online ModeAny Branch of State Bank of India (one should generate Pay-in-slip during part II of registration Using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card or Internet Banking of SBI

How to Apply

  • Candidate must fill both Part I and II of Registration

  • Candidates are required to apply Online at with a two step registration process.Candidates must ensure to provide their active email id and number.

  • If multiple applications are submitted by mistake, candidates must ensure that application with the higher Registration ID is complete in all respects like applicant details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc.

  • Candidates must be ready with a scanned photograph(max 300 KB size) and signature(max.20 KB size), any one photo ID issued by Central or State Government before registering for Part II.

  • After Final Submission candidates will get a message on the screen, mentioning their name and email that they have been registered and your password has been sent to your e-mail address. Please note down the password

Scheme of Exam

The examination shall be conducted in 3 stages with the scheme mentioned below-

StagesExam TypeMax.Marks and Nature
Stage‐I: Preliminary Exam (Objective Type)Examination will consist of two objective type papers i.e. Paper I and Paper II of 2 hours and 3 hours respectively (conducted on the same day)Paper 1 – 200 Marks & Paper II – 300 Marks Marks obtained will be counted for determining final order of merit
Stage‐II Mains Exam (2 Conventional Type Papers)2 papers of Subjective Type Papers conducted in 2 sessions 3 hours each. Paper 1 will be the same for every Candidate while Paper II will be according to the discipline chosen.300 Marks in each paper and The Marks obtained will be counted for determining their final order of merit
Stage‐III: Personality Test200 Marks.


The standard of paper in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (Preliminary Exam) will be of an Engineering/Science Graduate level. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be that of an Engineering Degree Examination of an Indian University. There will be no practical examination in any of the subjects. Topics of General Studies and Engineering Aptitude asked in the Prelims Paper 1 are as follows-

Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical abilityEngineering Mathematics and Numerical AnalysisGeneral Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessmentBasics of Project Management and and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services StandardsBasics of Material Science and Engineering and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
Ethics and values in Engineering profession.Current issues of national and international importance relating to social, economic and industrial developmentInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering

Mains Syllabus Please refer to the official notification for Detailed Syllabus.

Scheme of Prelims Exam

Paper‐I General Studies and Engineering Aptitude (common for all Disciplines)
Paper II of Specific discipline chosen (i.e Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics & Telecom Engineering)

There will be Negative Marking of .33% for wrong answer in Objective Paper

Scheme of Mains Exam

SubjectDurationMaximum Marks
Paper 1 of Engineering Discipline3 hours300
Paper 2 of Engineering Discipline.3 hours300

Points to Remember

  • Candidates must possess all the requisite certificates dated earlier than the closing date of the application. Also, If the result of the Qualifying Exam is awaited, they must make sure they produce proof of having passed the examination at the time of filling DAF.
  • The EWS candidate applying for Examination, must produce an Income and Asset Certificate for Financial Year (FY) 2019-2020.
  • For Mains the venue shall be closed 10 minutes before the scheduled commencement of the Examination. Remember to bring Black Ball Point Pen.
  • Carry at least 2 passport size photographs if the candidate’s photograph on the Admit Card is blurred or missing.
  • Candidates who cleared Mains Stage of the Exam must ensure to Keep the scanned copies ready to be submitted along with the DAF after the declaration of Mains result.
  • Candidates must possess Age Certificate, Educational Qualification documents while Caste Certificate,Certificate in support of claim for age/ fee concession, Certificate in support of being persons with benchmark disability, wherever applicable, when submitting the DAF*.
  • Originals will have to be produced at the time of Personality Test/Interview.
  • The interview letter to the candidates will also be issued electronically.
  • The number of candidates to be admitted to the Main/Stage‐II Examination will be about six to seven time the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year through this examination
  • If any irrelevant matter/signages/marks etc. are found written in the answer sheet, which would not be related to any question/answer and has potential to disclose the candidate’s identity, the Commission will impose a penalty of deduction of marks from the total marks otherwise accruing to the candidate or will not evaluate the sheet.
  • Candidates finally recommended by the Commission on the basis of Engineering Services Examination, 2021 shall be required to undergo medical examination*.
6 months later

According to official notification this year, the number of openings to be filled based on the examination results is projected to be around 247, with 06 slots for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD) (including Leprosy healed, Dwarfism, Acid Attack victims, and Muscular Dystrophy) and 02 vacancies for Hard of Hearing. The number of openings is subject to change.
In respect of vacancies as determined by the Government of India, reservations would be given for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Economically Weaker Section (EWS), and Persons with Benchmark Disability Category.

    Here is your answer to the question, as per the notice released by UPSC the branch wise vacancies in UPSC ESE/IES are as follows

    Engineering BranchGENEWSOBCSCSTTotal
    Civil Engineering519391021130
    Mechanical Engineering19194437
    Electrical Engineering11151422
    Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering276181658

    What is the salary structure and other allowances we get if we clear UPSC ESE/IES exam?


      UPSC ESE/IES Salary Structure

      As per the 7th Pay Commission the Level wise/Rank wise basic pay structure of IES Officer are

      LevelPay Scale(in INR)Basic Pay(in INR)
      Junior Level15,600 - 39,1005400
      Senior Scale15,600 - 39,1006600
      Junior Administrative Grade15,600 - 39,1007600
      Selection Grade Scale (Chief Engineer L2/Joint GM)37,400 - 67,0008700
      Super Timegrade (Chief Engineer/Additional GM)37,400 - 67,0008700
      Cabinet Secretary Grade90,000NA

      Allowances given to IES Officer

      Here is a list of allowances given to the IES Officers:

      • HRA or Residential Quarters
      • Allowance for Dearness
      • Gratuity for Official Vehicles
      • CGHS Medical Center
      • Travel Allowance/Tour Allowance for Personal Assistants on Leave
      • Encashment of Provident Fund Leaves, etc.

      Yes you are eligible for this post as minimum educational qualification required for UPSC ESE/IES is having a degree in the engineering discipline from a recognized university.

      Here is detailed list of educational qualification criteria for appearing in UPSC ESE/IES are as follows:

      • Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering from a recognised university accredited by the Central Government, State Government, or UGC Act.
      • Candidates must have passed parts A and B of the Institution of Engineers’ Institution test (India).
      • Candidates must hold an engineering degree or diploma from a foreign university that has been recognised by the Indian government.
      • Candidates who have passed the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers’ Graduate Membership Exam (India).
      • Parts II and III, or Sections A and B, of the Aeronautical Society of India’s Associate Membership Examination
      • Candidates must have passed the Institution of Electronics and Radio Engineers’ London Graduate Membership Exam after November 1959.
      a month later