About the job: The exam is conducted by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission. The selection process will be Written Test. The location of the job will be Uttar Pradesh.
Official Link: www.uppsc.gov.in
Salary: Pay Scale INR 44900-142400
Exam Pattern: Pre, Mains, and Interview
- Pre - Paper - 1
General Studies - History of India, Indian National Movement, Indian Polity, Economy and Culture, Geography and Natural resources of India & World Geography, Population, Ecology, and Urbanization (in Indian Context)
Indian Agriculture, Commerce, and Trade, General Science, Current Events of National and International importance, Specialized Knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture industry, Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh
Paper - 2
General Hindi - Antonyms, Sentence, and Correction in framing, One-word substitution, Same usage, and same nature words, Adjectives, Synonymous words
- Mains -
Paper - 1
General Studies:
History of India
Indian National Movement
Indian Polity, Economy and Culture
Geography and Natural resources of India & World Geography
Population, Ecology, and Urbanization (in Indian Context)
Indian Agriculture, Commerce and Trade
General Science:
Current Events of National and International importance
Specialized Knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture industry, Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh
Paper - 2
General Hindi & Drafting:
Heading of a given passage, precis, and explanation of the underlined parts
Precis in Tabular form of any given Govt Letter
(i) Official/Demi Official Letter
(ii) Office Memo/Memo/Circular
(iii) Communique/Annotation & Reports/Reminder
Definition Vocabulary (Administrative and Commercial):
(i) English to Hindi (five words)
(ii) Hindi to English (five words)
(iii) Idioms and Phrases (Five)
Computer Knowledge:
(Part - 1 Conventional)
(Part - 2 General Vocabulary):
Antonyms (Six words)
Sentence and Correction in framing (Six sentences)
One word for several words (Six words)
Same usage and same nature words (Six words)
Derived by a noun & adjective (Six words)
Paper - 3:
Hindi Essay