PSC invites recruitment vacancies for Tripura Police Service every year.
Educational Qualification:
(a) Essential: - A candidate must hold Degree of a recognized University.
(b) Desirable:-Knowledge of Bengali/English/Kokborok language.
Age: - A candidate shall not be below 21 years and over 40 years of age
Age-limit is relaxable by 5(five) years in case of SC, ST, Differently abled (PH) candidates and Government Servants, provided that the Govt. shall not get this relaxation over and above the general relaxation of 5 (five) years available to them.
How to apply :
You can apply online but before it just go through the information bulletin and read all the instructions carefully and then apply through the official website.
Syllabus for Main Examination contains only compulsory papers, except Bengali Composition or Alternative English or KokBorok.
The candidate will select either Bengali Composition or Alternative English or Kok-Borok as one of the Compulsory Paper and will indicate the code of that paper in the Application/as instructed in the online application portal.
Selection Process:
(a) The Examination will be held in three successive stages namely
(i) Preliminary Examination (Multiple Choice type question pattern only)
(ii) Main Examination (Pattern of Question in Main Examination will be as mentioned in the latest syllabus)
(iii) Personality Test.