How can I get Income Certificate?
How can I get Income Certificate?
Income Certificate
It is a document that confirms a person’s or a family’s annual income from all sources, such as salary, daily earnings, pensions, companies, property income, rent, and international remittances. It’s a government-issued official document that proves a person’s or family’s financial status. After analyzing the applicant’s application, affidavit, and any supporting documents, the official authority will issue an income certificate. It is essential to obtain government financial assistance or a seat reservation in educational programmes.
Procedure to make income certificate
- Visit the homepage of a particular government.
- Applicant registration
- Click on Service selection
- Select Income certificate.
- Click on the “Download Application Forms” Click on “Issuance of Income Certificate”
- Submit the duly filled application to the office of Sub-Divisional Magistrate.
Following the submission of the required papers, the authority will perform a local investigation to verify the information provided in the application.
How much time it takes to get your income certificate after we apply for it?