CBSE Circular- Modifications to the OMR Response Method
During evaluations, it has been noted that assessors are often unable to distinguish between minuscule letters.
Please refer to the information sent to schools via different circulars, instructions for Centre Superintendents, and OMR sheets, which state that candidates should write small a, b, c, and d in the box provided on the OMR sheet to mark the right response.
The evaluation of OMR is taking longer as a result of this. As a result, it is directed that applicants mark the OMR choices in capital A, B, C, and D as appropriate for the exams to be held from December 7, 2021 to December 31, 2021. This decision is being made in the midst of the assessment process.
All Centre Superintendents are instructed to spread the following information and to ensure that CBSE regulations are carefully implemented by visiting all rooms throughout the test period.
All school principals will inform their instructors who will be on invigilation duty, as well as the pupils, of these instructions.