- Edited
The Combined Medical Services Examination(CMSE), is conducted by UPSC and Aspirants sit for this prestigious exam in order to secure job at posts like Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways, Post of Assistant Medical Officer in the Indian Ordnance factories, Health Service Under The Ministry of Defence, Junior Scale Post in the Central Health Service, General Duty Medical Officer in various Municipal Councils and Municipal Corporations.
Important dates
Events | Date |
Release of Official Notification | 07.07..2021 |
Last Date for Submission | 27.07.2021 till 6 P.M |
Release of Admit Card | 3 weeks before Exam) |
Date of Exam (Stage 1) | 18.07.2021 (One Day) |
Date of Interview | To be notified |
Declaration of Result | - |
Window for Withdrawal of Application | 03.08.2021 to 09.08.2021 |
Eligibility: MBBS students who have cleared their written and practical parts of the final examination. A candidate who has appeared or has yet to appear at the final M.B.B.S. may also apply but their candidature will depend on the submission of proof of having passed the written and practical part of the final MBBS Exam along with the detailed application form (DAF).
How to Apply
Only online mode of application is permitted. While Form is available in English and in Hindi Language but it can only be filled in English Language.
Application contains two parts. In Part, I registration, filling up Payment details uploading of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document, selection of examination center and Agreeing to Declaration
When the “I agree” button is pressed, a page with the Registration Number will be generated. Please note down the Registration Number or take a printout of the page.
Scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG format. The file should be between 300 KB and 20 KB and resolution of 350* 350 (minimum) and 1000 *1000 pixels maximum and Bit Depth of 24 bit.
Next upload your photo identity card document in PDF format only. It should be between 300 KB and 20 KB. Remember to carry it at the time of the Personality Test/Examination at the venue.
On successful completion of your complete application, an auto-generated email message will be sent on your registered email-id.
Candidates with less than 40% disability will not be considered for any relaxation which are applicable to PwBD candidates and are required to pay fee if not exempted under the rules.
Category | Fees |
General /EWS and OBC Candidates | Rs. 200/‐ |
Female/SC/ST/PwBD candidates | Exempted |
Modes of Payment (a)Cash deposit at any SBI Branch ( next day) (b)Online Mode | Any Branch of State Bank of India (one should generate Pay-in-slip during part II of registration -Using Visa/Master/RuPay Credit/Debit Card or Internet Banking of SBI( till 6:00 P.M. of 06.2021) |
Age Limits:
While no lower age limit is given, candidate must not have attained the age of 32 years as on 1st August, 2021, i.e. the candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd August 1989. However, for Junior Time Scale Posts in Central Health Services, the upper age limit must not exceed 35 (thirty-five years) on the aforesaid cut-off date.
Relaxation in Age
Category | Age Relaxation |
General | Not applicable |
Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe; | Upto 5 years |
OBC | Upto 3 years |
ex-servicemen Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOswith at least 5 years of service | Upto 5 years |
Defence Services Personnel disabled in operations during hostilities | Upto 3 years |
Persons with Benchmark Disabilities * | Upto 10 years |
Government Servants employed in a Department* | Upto 5 years |
Cumulative Age Relaxation | Available (for SC, ST, and OBC candidates also falling under any additional category viz Ex-serviceman or PwBD*) |
Vacancies for 2021
Category-I | Category-II |
Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Service - 349 vacancies | (i) Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways- 300 vacancies |
General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council. - 5 vacancies | |
General Duty Medical Officer Gr-II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation - 184 vacancies |
From the abovementioned vacancies, the following Posts are identified for PwBD
Nature of Impairment | Vacancies |
Vacancies For Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in the Railways are reserved for Locomotor Disability having functional classification OL, OA, BL | 12 |
For Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services Blindness and low vision Deaf and hard of hearing | 3 Vacancies each |
Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims, and muscular dystrophy | 4 |
Multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness | 4 |
SL. No | Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in Indian Railway Health Service |
1 | It is a Group ‘A” Junior Scale in level 10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/- |
2 | Private practice is prohibited and the candidate will be eligible for Non-Practising Allowance(NPA) |
3 | Candidate has to undergo training as prescribed by the Ministry of Railways and pass all the Departmental Examination. |
4 | Candidate will be appointed on a probation period of One year |
5 | Candidate will be eligible for benefits like Contributory Pension System, leave in accordance with the leave rules, free Railway Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders, etc. |
6 | Candidate will be required to pass the examination in Hindi of an approved standard within the period of probation |
7 | If required, the candidate will have to serve in any Defence Service or post connected with the Defence of India for a period of not less than four years including the period spent on training* |
8 | Candidate will undergo Foundation Course training initially and after completion of Foundation Course, the candidate may also be posted to the Railway Health Units/Dispensaries at wayside stations, ADMOs are also liable to transfer to any Railways. |
S.L no | Junior Scale posts in the Central Health Service. |
1 | The posts are temporary but likely to continue indefinitely. Candidates will be appointed to Junior Group ‘A’ scale. The scale of pay is in Level-10 (Rs. 56,100 to Rs.1,77,500/-) of the pay matrix |
2 | Probation for the period is of 2 years from the date of appointment |
3 | Candidates can be posted anywhere in India in any dispensary or hospital under any organization participating in the Central Health Service viz. C.G.H.S. operating at Delhi, Bangalore, Bombay, Meerut, Lakshadweep Andaman and Nicobar Islands, P&T department, etc. |
4 | Private practice of any kind whatsoever including lab and consultant practice is prohibited. Candidates will be eligible for NPA according to the orders issued by Government. Promotional avenues will be available |
SL. No | General Duty Medical Officer in the New Delhi Municipal Council(GDMO) |
1 | Pay Matrix Level-10 Rs. 56,100-1,77,500/- + restricted Non-practicing allowance (NPA). |
2 | Ordinary rules regarding pensions, gratuity, confirmation etc. as enforced in the Council |
3 | The candidate will be on probation for a period of two years from the date of appointment On satisfactory completion of the probation period will continue in the temporary capacity till confirmed against the permanent vacancy |
4 | The candidate can be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of the N.D.M.C. in any of the hospital/dispensaries/M & C family welfare Centres/Primary Health Centres etc |
5 | Private practice of any kind is prohibited. |
6 | Avenues of Promotion like- Senior Medical Officer, and from Senior Medical Officer to Chief Medical Officer, and from Chief Medical Officer to Chief Medical Officer (Non-Functional Selection Grade) will be present |
SL No. | General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO)Gr.II in East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation(NDMC) and South Delhi Municipal Corporation(SDMC) |
1 | Salary at the minimum of first cell of Rs.56,100/- in level 10 of the Pay Matrix under 7th CPC (plus NPA and other admissible allowances as per rules) |
2 | Probation for a period of two years from the date of appointment and at its completion, candidates will continue in the temporary post till confirmed against the permanent vacancy. |
3 | candidates can be posted anywhere within the jurisdiction of the East Delhi Municipal Corporation, NDMC and SDMC in anyone of the Hospital/ Dispensaries/M&CW and Family Welfare Centres/Primary Health Centres. |
4 | Private practice is prohibited. The appointment can be terminated on one month’s notice on either side during the period of probation |
The written examination for Combined Medical Service for two objective papers will be conducted in Computer-based mode. A demo module for this will be available on the UPSC website -www. upsc.gov.in at the time of the launching
of the e-Admit Card.
Stage 1
Computer Based Exam | No. of Questions and Max. Marks | Duration | Medium of paper |
Paper 1 (General Medicine and Paediatrics) | 120 (96 from General Medicine and 24 from Paediatrics)of 250 marks | 2 Hours | English |
Paper 2 (Surgery, Gyne & Obstetrics, Preventive & Social Medicine) | 120 Questions( 40 from each Section) of 250 marks | 2 Hours | English |
Note: Both the Papers of the CMSE will be of MBBS standard.
Syllabus of Paper-I
(a) General Medicine section will include the following Topics:
General Medicine | General Medicine |
Cardiology | Psychiatry |
Respiratory diseases | General |
Gastro-intestinal | Emergency Medicine |
Genito-Urinary | Common Poisoning |
Neurology | Snakebite |
Hematology | Tropical Medicine |
Endocrinology | Critical Care Medicine |
Metabolic disorders | Emphasis on medical procedures |
Infections/Communicable DiseasesVirus, Rickets, Bacterial Spirochetal, Protozoan, Metazoan | In psychiatry include – Depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar diseases and Schizophrenia. |
Pathophysiological basis of diseases | Vaccines preventable diseases and Non-vaccines preventable diseases |
Diseases of the skin (Dermatology | Vitamin deficiency diseases |
Musculoskeletal System | Nutrition/Growth |
Topics for Paediatrics
- Common childhood emergencies,
- Basic Newborn Care
- Normal developmental milestones
- Accidents and poisonings in children,
- Birth defects and counseling including autism,
- Immunization in children
- Recognizing children with special needs and management
- National programmes related to child health
Paper 2 will consist of 120 Questions in 3 sections i.e.(40 questions from each part.)
- Surgery
- Gynaecology & Obstetrics
- Preventive & Social Medicine
Both the Papers of the CMSE will be of MBBS standard.
Topics for Paper 2General Surgery OBSTETRICS Social and Community Medicine Urological Surgery #Ante-natal conditions Concept of Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine Neuro Surgery #Management of normal labours or complicated labour Health Administration and Planning Otorhinolaryngology E.N.T. #Intra-natal conditions General Epidemiology Thoracic surgery #Post-natal conditions Demography and Health Statistics Orthopedic surgery FAMILY PLANNING Conventional contraceptives, U.D. and oral pills, Operative procedure, sterilization, organization of programmes in the urban and rural surroundings, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Ability to recognize, investigate, report, plan and manage community health problems including malnutrition and emergencies. Ophthalmology GYNAECOLOGY Communicable Diseases Anesthesiology #Applied anatomy, applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization Ability to monitor national health programs Traumatology #Infections in genital tract Environmental Health Diagnosis, management of common surgical ailments #Neoplasma in genital tract Nutrition, Health, Maternal, and Child Health Pre-operative and post-operative care of surgical patients #Displacement of the uterus Non-communicable diseases Medicolegal and ethical issues of surgery #Normal delivery and safe delivery practices Occupational Health Wound healing #Intra Uterine growth retardation Genetics and Health Fluid and electrolyte management in surgery #Abortions, High risk pregnancy and management International Health Shock pathophysiology and management. #Medicolegal examination in obgyn and Gynae including Rape Medical Sociology and Health Education
Important Points
Verification of eligibility conditions with reference to original documents is taken up only after the candidate has qualified for the Interview/Personality Test.
The candidates of Multiple Disabilities will be eligible for reservation under category Multiple Disabilities only and not under any other categories of disabilities.
The appointment will depend on the candidate having satisfactorily completed the compulsory rotating internship.
After the declaration of the CBT results, successful candidates will be asked to submit Detailed Application Form (DAF) . Candidates must possess Age Certificate, Educational Qualification documents while Caste Certificate, Certificate in support of claim for age/ fee concession, Certificate in support of being persons with benchmark disability, wherever applicable when submitting the DAF*.
Carry at least 2 passport size photographs if the candidate’s photograph on the Admit Card is blurred or missing.
Job Profile and Responsibilities
Assistant Medical Officer in the Indian Ordnance factories Health Service
- Medical attendance of emergencies, outpatients, and inpatients
- Medical Examination
- Catering occupational health service
- Organizing and supervising the work
- Ensuring proper housekeeping as well as security
- Maintaining equipment and instruments
- Ensuring there is proper biomedical waste disposal
- other duties allotted by the Medical Officer- In Charge.
Junior Scale Post in the Central Health Service
They need to attend to patients in emergencies, outpatients, and inpatients. They also conduct medical examinations and look after the administration of the medical department.
General Duty Medical Officer in the New Delhi Municipal Council, NDMC, and SDMC:
- Tracking of Clinical Data and analyzing them- To review the records, reports, and exam data so that they can diagnose the patients’ conditions..
- Researching Modern Medical Programs and Research.
- Planning, Executing Clinical Aid.
- Creating Revised Programs while reviewing the clinical services and programs implemented.
- Maintaining The Appropriate Documentation- Medical Officers also ensure that appropriate and consistent documentation of medical records for the patients is made.