
The Union Public Service Commission conducts an inter-departmental exam known as CISF AC (EXE), a Limited Departmental Competitive Exam, 2021 on 14th March 2021 for filling the vacancies of Assistant Commandants (Executive) in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). CISF is regarded as one of the reputed security forces of the country. An Assistant Commandant is a Grade A gazetted officer in the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF)

Important Dates

Release of Official Notification02.12..2020
Last Date for Submission22.12.2020 till 6 P.M
Release of Admit Card2 weeks before Exam Date
Date of Recruitment Test14.03.2021 (One Day)
Date of Physical EfficiencyTest and Medical TestTo be Announced
Date of InterviewTo be Announced
Window for Withdrawal of Application12.05.2021 to 18.05.2021 till 6 P.M


The tentative number of vacancies to be filled on the basis of the Examination for 2021 are 23 in number

CategoryNumber of Vacancies
General/ unreserved18

How to Apply

  • The application contains two parts. In Part I registration,
  • Filling up Payment details uploading of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document, selection of examination centre and Agreeing to Declaration
  • When the “I agree” button is pressed, a page with the Registration Number will be generated. Please note down the Registration Number or take a print out of the page.
  • Scanned photograph and signature should be in JPG format . File should be between 300 KB and 20 KB and resolution of 350* 350 (minimum) and 1000 *1000 pixels maximum and Bit Depth of 24 bit.
  • If multiple applications are submitted by mistake candidate must ensure that application with the higher Registration ID is complete in all respects like applicants details, examination centre, photograph, signature, fee etc.
  • On successful completion of your complete application, an auto-generated email message will be sent on your registered email-id.

Note: Candidates will have to fill in the application form on-line on the UPSC’s web-site and a hard copy of the same are to be routed through proper channel to the CISF authorities for verification and onward transmission to the Commission. The scrutiny of applications for deciding the eligibility of candidates with reference to the stipulated eligibility conditions will be done by the Central Industrial Security Force

Eligibility Criteria

Essential QualificationGraduation from a recognized University.
The candidates should have completed 04 years of regular service as on 01st January, 2021 in the rank of SI (GD)/Inspector(GD)
Desirable QualificationPossession of NCC ‘B’ or ‘C’ Certificate

Note: Desirable qualifications will be given consideration at the time of interview/Personality Test only

Age Limit

A candidate must not have attained the age of 35 years on the 01st August, 2021 i.e. he/she must have been born not earlier than 02nd August 1986.

Relaxation in Age: Upper Age is relaxable up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste or a Schedule Tribe.

Stages/ Scheme of Exam

Written Examination (Objective type and Marks will be counted for Deciding the Merit)
Physical and Medical Standard Tests (Qualifying in Nature)
Personality/Interview Test

Stage 1: Written Examination

PaperNo. of QuestionsTimeMax. Marks
Paper 1(Objective)75 -Part A 75- Part B2.5 hours300
Paper II (Subjective)Essay, Precis writing and Comprehension2 hours100

Stage 2: Physical Efficiency Test (PET)

Candidates must meet the prescribed Physical and Medical standards for admission to the
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for selection of Assistant Commandant

100 Meters raceIn 16 secondsIn 18 Seconds
800 Meters raceIn 3 minutes 45 SecondsIn 4 minutes 45 Seconds
Long Jump 3.0 Meters (3 chances) (d) Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.50 Meters3.5 Meters((3 chances) )3 meters(3 Chances)
Shot Put (7.26 kg)4.5 meters-

Physical Standards

Height165 cms (Gen & SC) 162.5 cms ( ST)157 Cms ( Gen & SC) 154 cms ( ST)
Chest ( unexpanded )81 cms (with 5 cm minimum expansion )Not applicable
WeightCorresponding to heightCorresponding to height

Note: weight should be as per the height and age*

Standard for Vision

Better EyeWorse Eye
Distant Vision6/6 Or 6/96/12 Or 6/9
Near visionJI (corrected)J2 (corrected
WeightCorresponding to heightCorresponding to height


  • Candidate should not have a squint of any degree and should have high color vision. The candidate will be tested for color vision by Ishahara’s test as well as Edridge-Green Lantern Test. Eyes should be bright, clear with no abnormality/disease. Movements of eyeballs should be full and free in all directions. In every case of Myopia, fundus examination should be carried out and the results should be recorded. Contact lenses or laser surgery is not allowed.

  • These Tests will be only of a qualifying nature and will not carry any marks. Failure even in one of these tests will amount to disqualification.

  • Pregnancy at the time of PET will be a disqualification and pregnant female candidates will be rejected.

Other Physical Aspects: if a candidate has any of the following conditions, he/she must refer to the official notification for detailed guidelines.

Carrying angle of ElbowEar ProblemsAtrophic rhinitis, tuberculous ulceration,Enlarged lymph nodes,Severe pyorrhea
Chronic sinusitisThyroid or another swelling of neckVenereal Disease:Asthma, any heart diseaseStandard Height/weight ( as per their age)
Heart and lungs should be sound.flat chest, Pigeon chest, rickety rosary effectsdisease of the genitourinary tract.Old or malunited fractures of bonesSkin diseases
Chronic diseaseTB, arthritis, B.P Diabetes, Bronchial.Perceptible and visible glandular swellingHernia or any inguinal swellingknock knees
knock knees,TattoosSpeech impedimentsflat footvaricose veins.

Stage 3 : Interview: Candidates, who are declared qualified in the Medical Standards Tests, will be called for the interview/Personality

The Board would broadly assess the candidate on the basis of the following criteria-

Physical Make-upGeneral Intelligence, Aptitude and InterestDispositionBehavioural aspect of personality
AppearanceAbility to perceive, analyze and present facts and situationsLeadership, drive, determination, quick decision makingInterpersonal relations with superiors and subordinates.
BearingWork-related aptitudes, like discipline, empathySelf-reliance.Commitment to values, integrity, secular and national orientation
Manners and MannerismExtra-curricular activities-participation in games, sports, debatesAbility to face stress and crisis.
Courage-moral and physical.

Note: The selected candidates shall undergo training at the training center of the Force and will remain on probation for a period of two years. No TA/DA/Journey expenses will be allowed to the candidates for attending the Exam.

Syllabi of the Written Papers:- Paper I :

This Paper will contain 2 Parts i.e General Ability and Intelligence and Professional Skill.

PART-A: General Ability and Intelligence:

General Mental Abilityo test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability and data interpretation
General Scienceto test general awareness, scientific temper, comprehension, and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday observation like IT, Biotech, and Environment
Current Events of National and International Importance:to test the candidates’ awareness of current events of national and international importance in the broad areas of culture, music, arts, literature, sports, governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business, globalization and interplay among nations.
General Awareness:to test candidates’ general awareness and would inter-alia include a question to test basic knowledge of the history of India, Indian and World Geography as well as Indian Polity and Economy.

PART-B : Professional Skill: This Section of the paper will be designed to test the professional skills of the candidates in relation to the operational and administrative requirements of the Central Industrial Security Force and will broadly cover the following areas:

CISF related professional skillsLawComputer Skills and AwarenessService Rules and HR matters
Industrial SecurityCr.PC (Search, Seizure and unlawful assembly)Computer SecurityCCA Rules
Industrial Safety and fire fightingIPC (Theft, mischief, breach of trust, corruption etc.)Basic computer operationsCISF Act & Rules
Disaster ManagementEvidence Act (Search, seizure & collection of evidence)Basic hardware and softwareHR functions related to CISF
Use of Technical Gadgets-Alarm, detection, intrusion, Access control, fire safetyLabour Laws (Industrial Disputes Act, Workmen Compensation Act, EPF Act.)
Perimeter Security Security of vital installations-DAE, Metro Rail, SpaceOther Criminal Offences.
VIP Security, Internal Security and Election dutiesHuman Rights.Human Rights. Human Rights.
Bomb disposal
Sabotage, Subversion

Salary and Other Allowance
The Assistant Commandant in CISF is a Grade A officer under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Salary for Assistant Commandant post as per the 7th Pay Commission is around Rs.56,100-Rs.1,77,500 (Pay band-3). Apart from a decent salary, Officers alos getother benifits like-

  • Dearness Allowance which is 5% of Basic Pay
  • Ration Money(Rs. 97.85 per head/day - upto Inspector post.)
  • Transport Allowance
  • Special Duty Allowance for serving in North East Region
7 months later