Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamta Banerjee has announced the ‘Students Internship Programme 2022’, wherein 6,000 students will get the opportunity to work for the West Bengal government, every year at a monthly remuneration of Rs 5,000 each.
This program will be conducted in coordination with the Education Department.
I think this will help many students for internship, and the education system of WB is really appreacible.
Those students who miss the chance in a particular year, their names will be retained and will be kept for selection the next year.
Residents of West Bengal who complete graduation, including those from polytechnics and ITIs, with 60 percent marks will be eligible to apply for the program. Candidates below forty years will be eligible to apply. Selected students will be deputed to different state government offices or district-level offices on the basis of their location.
A certificate will be given after the completion of the internship.
Views on this initiative is warmy welcomed.