For a long time, there has been a desire to introduce students to techniques that might help them maintain emotional hygiene and happiness to create a positive frame of mind. The Happiness Index (HI) has been launched by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for its affiliated institutes, with rankings to be released on March 20, 2022, on the International Day of Happiness.
The AICTE is working with 5ire to build one of the largest happiness blockchains, the YourOneLife (YOL) app on the 5irechain. The software tries to determine not only a person’s happiness quotient but also the average value of the institution they attend. Although participation in the happiness index or downloading the app is not required, the need for it has long been felt due to rising worry among students, particularly as they progress into higher education, according to Anil Sahasrabudhe, chairman of the AICTE. “They may discover that they are not a good fit for an Engineering or MBA programme, but they nonetheless enrol due to parental or peer pressure.”

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