A credit is the recognition for having taken a course at school or university, used as measure if enough hours have been made for graduation.
Every subject you take has a set number of credits associated with it. You gain that many credits if you pass that topic. After earning a specified number of credits, you are awarded a degree.
Yes, many colleges in India operate on a credit-based basis .Most common example of this would be various engineering colleges. To receive a Bachelor of Engineering degree, student had to complete 200 credits over the course of eight semesters. The majority of the things the student studied were worth three or four credits. The lab subjects were valued a total of 5. The senior project was worth a total of 20 credits.
The IGNOU also follows this credit system for their courses. In their method, one credit equals 30 hours of study time, including all learning activities (i.e. reading and comprehending the print material, listening to audio, watching video, attending counselling sessions, teleconference and writing assignment responses). As a result, a 4-credit course requires around 120 hours of study time. This aids the learner in determining the amount of academic effort required to effectively complete a course. Successful completion of each course’s assignments, practicals, projects, and term-end exams is required to complete an academic programme (Degree/ Diploma/ Certificate).
Credit System In Universities
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