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When I was preparing for the bank exams and was on the initial level, this section used to haunt me a lot because I hardly used to get any marks in this section. Then I decided to pay attention to it because it’s asked in every bank Examination carrying significant marks.
Here are some tips/tricks/ do’s/ don’ts which I followed and it worked wonder for me. I’ve listed hem below:
a) While solving/reading RCs, try to take notes. It is necessary for retrieving relevant information and also serves as a mental bookmark. While taking notes, try to observe:
i) The passage’s subject.
ii) The passage’s main point.
iii) The author’s tone, which is the manner in which the author has written the passage.
b) Rather than reading the full text, examine the opening and end paragraphs of the RC critically.
c) Remember what the author said in its final words.
d) Also, attempt to identify the words in the passage that play a positive and negative role.
e) Eliminate rather than select: In most circumstances, eliminating options better than selecting options.
f) Never apply your prior information or assumptions to the paragraph at hand. Limit your comprehension to the passage you’ve been given.
Please let me know if you have a better strategy to share.