In partnership with edtech platform Coursera, The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay has launched two new certificate programmes - Power Electronics and motors for electric vehicles (EVs). This new programme will help Candidates in choosing their career in the field of Digital Transformation and EVs.
Digital Transformation
The Digital Transformation Certification course is usually for non-IT managers leading digital transformation initiatives. This certification programme and training will help candidates in building new skill sets to advance in their careers. With the help of this course Candidates will earn technical, managerial and leadership skills and also learn how to implement and execute the right solutions. The duration of this course will be 4 months.
Power Electronics and Motors for Electric Vehicles (EVs)
The Certification in Power Electronics and motors for Electric Vehicles helps in building basic and necessary skills for advancing careers in the field of electric vehicles (EVs). Subjects in this course structure are like motor design, power converter design, and motor drives in a detailed manner. Duration of this course will be four and a half month.