What is eligibility criteria for this ?
About Gandhi Fellowship
- Age group 18-26 years
- Achiever in Academics and Extracurricular activities (Sports, NCC, NSS, voluntary work, performing arts, debate, literature etc)
- Sensitive towards the pressing problems of the nation
- Graduate and Post Graduate from any of the streams.
A student who excels in both academics and extracurricular activities (Sports, NCC, NSS, voluntary work, performing arts, debate, literature, etc)
I read about this yesterday and I am givingkey points about it and how it will benefit students:
The fellowship is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to facilitate skill development in local economies.
The two-year blended programme includes classroom sessions at host IIMs as well as Fellow mentorship while in district.
It provides an opportunity to work with district-level schemes and institutions to build institutions, boost skill development, link markets, and spur growth.
MSDE will fully finance candidates selected from the 2021-2023 admissions cycle.
During the first year of the programme, the candidate would be paid a stipend of Rs. 50,000 per month. During Year 2 of the programme, the candidate will earn a stipend of Rs. 60,000 per month after satisfying the requirements of Year 1. Quite impressive right?
PallaviSingh What are the eligibility like?
HrithikRao I read about it and here I m listing it:
- A citizen of India is required.
- At the time of application, you must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
- At least a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university in any field (engineering, law, medicine, social sciences, etc.) or a post-graduate degree from a recognised university in any discipline (engineering, law, medicine, social sciences, etc.).
- Three years of post-secondary job experience in the social/non-profit sector, with a desire to work in rural regions, is desirable. Individuals with no prior work experience but a strong desire to work in this field may apply.
- Possess the ability to communicate in the official language of the state government.
Eligibility. Graduate and Post Graduate from any of the diverse streams: Engineering, Applied and Pure Science, Commerce, Management, Humanities, and Liberal Arts, Social Work, Psychology and Behavioural Science, Mathematics, Journalism and Mass Communication, Education, Law, etc.