I think that for a student its really frustrating and devastating when he/she gets pressurized by his/her parents to go for a choice that they have in their minds. See I know they are more experienced, they know whats gonna matter the most in the future, but their children have a choice of their own too. If parents are damn sure that their child is on a wrong path and is stubborn about his/her choice, they should let them know experientially that their choices are fragile and not practical enough.

Also, it doesn’t mean the parents are wrong either. I m sure most of us have seen a lot of movies that we shud go where we are truly interested. To bring a balance when u r like a pendulum between ur choice and ur parent’s, following this, as I see, must be considered by a student:

You should have the following points in mind to do this and decide accordingly.

Parents are there to point you in the right way. Few people are fortunate enough to be given such a fantastic opportunity.

Also, I think the most damaging thing a parent can do to their child is to encourage or recommend that they pursue a career that they believe is wonderful or appropriate for them without even learning about their child’s potential and enthusiasm. Pathetic!!!!
But since what’s all in the parent’s mind is your bright and secure future, you must at least consider their point of view once. Just once!!! just give them a chance too. Who would give that to ur parents if u are not gonna give??

And now I m putting a very important point as I have experienced. Your parents are most likely to be correct, and they, like every other parent, desire a stable employment for their child. In today’s work market, securing a mediocre job is the bare minimum of many hopefuls’ desires for survival, and they know it very well.

if at last, if you don’t have the caliber to prepare for it or you are interested in something else, then you should follow your interest and move in that direction.

Because ultimately, if you don’t enjoy or like your work, you can never succeed in whatever you do, and I am damn sure about this. So, if it’s impossible for you to prepare for government services, it is better not to waste time and let some interested and deserving candidate get that job. Make them trust your decision. It’s pretty much possible that they would give you a chance if they get convinced and feel secure about you choice.

9 days later