From 2017-2018, all schools in Delhi have been mandated to conduct clear scrutiny of pending applications from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC). The Board of Education has said DDE (Zone) may soon call a meeting of non-paying private schools to close the backlog.
The official order of the Department of Education states: “There is a large debt in all educational zones (according to the attached list). Therefore, all principals of recognized private schools, unaided, are directed to complete the online review of all pending online applications for the 2017-18 to 2020-21 academic sessions on the e-district portal without further delay.”
SC, ST, OBC, and minority students can take advantage of government welfare programs such as tuition reimbursement, office supplies financial aid, admission and graduation scholarships.
The order went on to say: “All online applications in these schemes must be verified in accordance with the guidelines of the respective scheme. It is necessary to ensure that by February 24, 2022, no application verification is at the school and educational zone level, otherwise the relevant DDE (zone) will be responsible for not providing scholarships to applicant students,” he added. .