The University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering, a school of the University of Southern California, has launched the USC Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence. Offering scholarships, seminars and internships, the center will also educate the next generation of students in this rapidly evolving field, supporting educational experiences, research infrastructure and events that connect campuses and research students with industry professionals and the wider community. approved by the institute.
Led by Principal Rahul Jain, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Co-Director Joe Deshmukh, Associate Professor of Computer Science, the center focuses on new and emerging technologies with real-world applications. . “The technology for developing intelligent autonomous systems is on the cusp of several breakthroughs, but some fundamental technology bottlenecks remain,” Jain said.
The centre also plans to offer new classes, including a course in which students will learn how to equip an unmanned vehicle with various sensors and test basic autonomous driving control algorithms.