The Balika Samriddhi Yojana will cover girl children in families below the poverty line (BPL) as defined by the Government of India, in rural and urban areas, who are born on or after 15 August 1997.


  • A post-birth grant amount of Rs.500/-.
  • When the girl child born on or after 15/8/1997 and covered under BSY starts attending the school, she will become entitled to annual scholarships as under for each successfully completed year of schooling.
  • The class amount of the annual scholarship
  • I-III Rs.300/- per annum for each class
  • IV Rs.500/- per annum
  • V Rs.600/- per annum
  • VI-VII Rs.700/- per annum for each class
  • VIII Rs.800/- per annum
  • IX-X Rs.1,000/- per annum for each class

The amounts mentioned above shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account to be opened in the name of the beneficiary girl child and an officer designated on this behalf by the State Government/Union Territory Administration in the nearest bank or post office.

    9 days later