A quite important news has shown up for MP. School Education Dept of Madhya Pradesh will introduce the MP Prakhar Scheme 2022. The state government has devised a plan that is a combo of the New Education Policy and Atmanirbhar Madhya Pradesh. Following a merging of prior plans, the MP school education dept has decided to adopt a new plan called Prakhar in 10,000 government schools that were previously selected.
New life skill modules, such as skill-based vocational training and English, will be taught to school kids under the new Prakhar Scheme. The classes would be held at 10,000 schools that were chosen from around the state of Madhya Pradesh.
It was also mentioned in the news that the school education dept. has opted to implement an IT-based learning management system. so, students’ learning outcomes will be assessed using an IT-based third-party evaluation system. From 1st through 12th grade, an IT-based Learning Management System will be started. It’s set to be implemented from March 2022.