Various students who are at their career peaks think about this that what I will do after my graduation, pick up a job or go for higher studies. But there is one more thought that students go through their mind what will be better for them doing a job after graduation or pursuing their higher studies.
I want to share my experience when I pass through this phase my condition was the same my mind is stuck between these two options and all time I thought is what to do next. From my experience I can say that it depends on you that what you want to do next no other people can guide about this. If you want to explore your field in regards to practical applications and working functions you should definitely hunt for a job and do it. You can also do a job while studying for higher studies like do an internship or something or work as a part-time worker etc. And if you think that I am not prepared for doing a job right now instead first I want to learn more then go for higher studies learn more. In all choice is yours that what to do next.
What to do next after Graduation
VarshaShukla changed the title to What to do next after Graduation .
9 days later
PushpinderPandey added the UGC tag .