While preparing for any exam whether it is a college/school exam or an entrance or government exam, most of the students have a common query that how to sit for long hours in a day to study so that they can complete their syllabus very fast. Answer to this question can be of many types so I am sharing my experience that how I increase my study time while preparing for an exam.
At first, it was very difficult for me to study for very long hours in one go, sometimes I got distracted, sometimes I feel sleepy and even sometimes I get bored also. After a few days I detect a solution for my problem i.e. simple most of the students can’t sit in one go for a long time so break your time for your study like you study one subject for 2 hours then give a 15-minute break in between and between these breaks do that thing that relaxes your mind so that when you start studying another subject you feel fresh. Keeping hydrated has also helped me a lot during these stressful preparations for exams. And lastly, divide your time in your subject that this subject needs more time and another needs less so divide according to this so that your time will also be managed properly
How to increase your study time while preparing for any exam?
While preparing for exam, it’s very important to keep our mind fresh. A short break during study empowers our learning skills and make us capable for long time study.
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