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The goal is to teach not only basic literacy and numeracy, but also other components necessary for a 21st-century citizen, such as vocational skills development (with a view to obtaining local employment), basic education, critical life skills (including financial literacy, digital literacy, commercial skills, health care and awareness, child care and education, and family care and education), etc.
Now, I’ll tell you the main thing.. The programme will be implemented through internet. The materials and resources will be made available digitally for registered volunteers to access via easily accessible digital channels such as television, radio, and mobile phone-based free/open-source Apps/portals, among others.
The benefits are:
the initiative will cover non literates aged 15 and up in all states and UTs across the country.
In association with the National Informatics Centre, NCERT, and NIOS, the aim for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy for FYs 2022-27 is 5 crore learners @ 1.00 crore per year using the “Online Teaching, Learning, and Assessment System (OTLAS).”
Quite impressive I think!!!