As we all know that discussion is the method of learning. If we feel trouble in learning anything, there is a method group discussion which makes our learning easier. Group discussion develops our mind and thinking skills. It also helps us to innovate our ideas. IT plays a great role in describing that how can we represent our views or ideas in front of anyone. If you are in a studious group, it will be more informative for you. If you are in a group it means you will listen and understands the ideas of many people which made a variety in your information.
Importance of group discussion in study
As a student, it helps us to train ourselves to discuss and argue about the topic given, it helps us to express our views on subjects and it improves our thinking, listening and speaking skills.
Group discussions are very important to improve our learning skills and to develop ideas.
I think after a some some group discussion has pros and cons as well. Because some students start in group discussion for sharing their information and ask doubts but on the other some students start unnecessary talk that take a lot of time our preparation.
Is the dress code for a group discussion session is necessary?
SukritiPathak Dress codes, whether formal, semi-formal, ethical, or casual, determine not only how to dress appropriately for the occasion, but also the standard that an institution or organisation sets for what to wear and what to avoid. So the answer is, it’s a good idea if you do that.
Group discussion ke sath study karne se topic ka koi bhi pahlu miss nahi hota h aur yaad rakhne me bhi aasan hota h.
padhte samay kai aise topic hote h jo hum se miss ho jate h joki natural h par jb hum group discusion karte h to chapter se related har topic cover ho jata h aur exam ki behtar taiyaari ho jati h jisse exam me safal hone k bhaut chance ho jata h.