Key Questions Recurring in Bank Interviews

  1. What is your greatest strength?

  2. What is your biggest weakness?

3.Tell me about yourself

  1. Why should we hire you? nominate you?

  2. What are your salary expectations?

  3. Why are you leaving your current job?

  4. Why did you leave your job?

  5. Why do you want to be a bank teller?

9.What do you know about our bank?

  1. How long will you wait for this job?

  2. How do you deal with a difficult situation?

  3. Describe a difficult situation you are facing

  4. What is your purpose in life?

  5. Do you have questions for us?

  6. How do you deal with success?

    Simply put, you just need to work on two things:

    • Your attitude
    • Fundamentals of your education and current events in the banking scene.
    Merged 1 post from What are the most common questions asked in bank interviews?.

    RanvirHanshraj I think these things will make you under just be calm and honest with yourself..If you prepare for an interview, basically you are trying to be something that you are not. Off course there are things you must know necessarily for an interview. But there are some question you don’t have to prepare, if you are or aspiring to be a civilized human being. Manners and etiquette comes naturally then.