Let me tell you a story about two persons A and B for CAT exam/.

Person A: Studying hard. Good for the academies. 10/12/Btech: 94/92/8.7 CGPA. Cat score: 99.48

Person B: Studying hard. Good at acads 10/12/Btech: 92/92/8.9 CGPA:. Cat score 98.31

Person B receives an IIM-B call. I didn’t understand.

A is a boy.

B is a girl.

Whatever you are, you simply CANNOT defend it against the best business school in the country.

It’s time to abandon the concept of women’s empowerment and start treating them as equals in all areas.

It does sound from my answer that I am against gender diversity in IIM. I’m just clarifying that this is not the case. Of course, I want women to be part of every top business school in the country. I’m all for gender diversity…but at what cost? Do you really think merit should be compromised at the expense of gender diversity? At least not in my book.

5 days later