
Andhra Pradesh(AP) Nursing Entrance Exam 2021 is organised by Dr NTR University of Health Sciences, a public university affiliated by UGC. NTRUHS Nursing Entrance Exam 2021 is a State-level entrance test for candidates hunting admission in the nursing colleges of Andhra Pradesh. The university offers a B.Sc in Nursing Course. It is a 4 years Undergraduate course.

All the entrance exams for NTR University are conducted by APSCHE i.e. Andhra Pradesh State Counseling of Higher Education of Andhra Pradesh government.

Andhra Pradesh(AP) B.Sc. Nursing 2021- HIGHLIGHTS:

University NameDr. NTR University of Health Sciences
Admission ProcessEntrance Exam
Application ModeOnline
Courses OfferedUG courses in Nursing (B. Sc Nursing)
Exam TypeEntrance for Admission
Exam LevelState
PeriodicityOnce in a year

Andhra Pradesh(AP) B.Sc. Nursing 2021- Exam Dates:

A candidate should go through all the events and dates given in the table to get updated about the upcoming exams. The major dates for AP B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Examination are as follows:

Submission of Online application form begins fromTo be announced
Last date for submissionTo be announced
Release of admit cardTo be announced
Entrance exam dateTo be announced
Result declarationTo be announced
CounsellingTo be announced

Eligibility Criteria for B.Sc. Nursing Examination:

AP B.Sc.Nursing candidates are required to satisfy the eligibility criteria as laid by the Andhra Pradesh University. If any candidate fails to satisfy the required eligibility criteria his/her application will be subjected to disqualification.

Eligibility criteria for B.Sc. Nursing course is given below:


Indian citizens are only eligible to apply.


One should be a permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh state and should hold a valid domicile certificate of Andhra Pradesh state.

Educational qualification:

HSC(Higher Secondary) exam or any equivalent exam must be completed by the applicant from a recognized board or university.

Qualifying marks:

  • The general category must score more than 55% marks in the qualifying exam.

  • Reserved category applicants should score a minimum of 50% marks in the qualifying exam.

Appearing applicants:

Applicants who are appearing for the HSC(Higher Secondary) exam in the current year are also eligible to apply.

Age limit:

The upper age limit for the applicants is 45 years (48 years in case of Reserved Category applicants).

AP B.Sc. Nursing 2021 Nursing Application Form:

This section discusses all the aspects of the AP Nursing 2021 Application Form, such as how to fill the form, application fee, and documents required. Candidates can go through this section completely.

The steps to fill online application form is provided below –

  • Firstly, visit the official website of the university i.e (

  • Then click on the Online Registration link in which the candidate has to give the details to register like Date of birth, Mobile number, Branch.

  • After entering the details click on the validate button.

  • If all the details entered are correct, then-candidate will receive the Registration number and Roll number (Please note the registration number and roll number for further correspondence ) and then click OK.

  • Then enter Roll Number and the Registration number for updating the details of the candidate and then click on Validate Button.

  • After clicking on the validate button, the application form will be displayed on the screen.

  • After filling the form, click on Save and Exit Button. This process can be repeated until all the data entered is correct. Then click on Save and Pay Button to proceed for payment.

AP B.Sc Nursing 2021- Application Fee:

Applicants will have to pay the application fee to complete the registration of the application submission process. The application fee can be paid through SBI Challan or online transition, i.e net banking, by debit or credit card.

Here is the detail on application fee for UR and Reserved category:

CategoryB.Sc. Nursing
General and Other backward Classes1050
Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe850

Reservation Criteria:

Candidates must check the Reservation Criteria before applying for the course:

  • For the local candidates, 85% of the available seats shall be reserved as provided in A.P.

  • Out of the available seats 15% for SCs, 6% for STs, 29% for BC, 15% for unreserved, in terms of the Presidential order and 5% shall be reserved for the Physically Handicapped (PH) in each category of OC, SC, ST, BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, BC-D and BC-E as per Government of India guidelines.

AP B.Sc. Nursing 2021- Examination Syllabus and Examination Pattern:

Before appearing for the entrance examination, it’s important for the applicants to go through the examination syllabus and pattern for better understanding and performance in the examination.

Candidates who want to get admission in B.Sc. Nursing Courses have to secure good marks in the AP Nursing 2021 entrance exam.

Exam Pattern:

Here we have composed the exam pattern of the entrance exam to get admission in B. Sc Nursing. The entrance exam will be conducted online as a computer-based test (CBT). So, candidates need to read the below-given information carefully:

  • Mode Of Examination: Exam will be conducted online as CBT.
  • Total Number of Asked Questions: 100
  • Question Type: MCQs
  • Duration of the exam: 90 minutes.
  • Marks Weightage: 1 Mark will be assigned to each question
  • Negative Marking: Not Applicable
Mode Of ExaminationOnline
Total Number of Questions100
Question TypeMultiple Choice Questions(M.C.Q)s
Duration of the Exam90 Minutes
Marks Weightage1 mark for each question
Negative MarkingNot Applicable

Examination Syllabus:

Andhra Pradesh(AP) Nursing syllabus is completely based on 10th and 12thclass. Below are the topics/subjects candidates should prepare for the examination:

Biology Syllabus:

Diversity in living world, genetic evolution, ecology and environment, reproduction and development in human, biology and human welfare, structure and functions of plants, structure and function – animal

Chemistry Syllabus:

Some basic concepts of chemistry, atomic structure, chemical thermodynamics, chemical energy, state of matter, solutions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, surface chemistry, hydrogen, chemical kinetics, classifications of elements and periodicity in properties, chemical bonding.

Physics Syllabus:

Work, energy and power, introduction and measurement, oscillation, electrostatics, magnetism, electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, ray optics and optical instrument, current electricity, magnetic effect of current, atom, molecules and nuclei, electrons and photons, electromagnetic waves, gravitation, rotational motion.

Job Types after Nursing:

The number of private and government hospitals and medical colleges are increasing over the years. The rapid growth of this industry calls for more students who wish to become nurses. Every year the government hires more than 20,000 nurses, and with time the recruitment number is touching the heights.

  • Deputy Nursing Superintendent
  • Teacher of Nursing
  • Staff Nurse
  • Nursing Service Administrators
  • Director of Nursing
  • Military Nurse
  • Assistant Nursing Superintendent
  • Industrial Nurse
  • Nursing Superintendent

Employment Areas after Nursing Course:

  • Railways and Medical Departments
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Nursing Science Schools
  • Hospitals/Clinics
  • Industrial Houses/Factories
  • Health Departments

Salaries Offered in the Nursing Field:

  • Freshers in this field can expect a salary ranging from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 15,000 per month.

  • The salary improves with experience. Candidates can expect their salary to be Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 after 2 to 3 years of experience.

  • Highly experienced nurses may also get a salary package of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 72,000 or more than that.

7 months later