
The Directorate of medical Education, Government of Assam conducts the Assam B.Sc. Nursing Entrance exam to provide admission in nursing courses to the candidates. The eligible applicants can easily apply for this entrance examination.

Candidates seeking admission in B.Sc. Nursing courses can go through this article for more detailed information like Important dates, How to apply for the exam, Application fee, Eligibility Criteria and Counselling etc.

Assam B.Sc. Nursing Examination 2021- HIGHLIGHTS:

Exam NameAssam Nursing entrance Examination 2021
Exam CourseAssam Nursing
Exam TypeNursing
Exam LevelState level
Conducting BodyDirectorate of Medical Education, Government of Assam
Application ModeOnline
Exam ModeOffline
Exam DateTo be Announced
Official Website(
HelplineE-mail ID-

Assam B.Sc. Nursing Examination 2021- Important Dates:

A candidate should go through all the events and dates given in the table to get updated about the upcoming exams. The major dates for Assam B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Examination are as follows:

Important EventsDates(Tentative)
Starting Date of Application FormsAugust/ September 2021
Last Date to Submit the Application FormSeptember 2021
Entrance Exam DateTo be Announced
Releasing of Admit CardTo be Announced
Declaration of the ResultsTo be Announced

Eligibility Criteria for Assam B.Sc. Nursing Examination:

Nursing candidates are required to satisfy the eligibility criteria as laid by the Directorate of Medical Education, Government of Assam. If any candidate fails to satisfy the required eligibility criteria his/her application will be subjected to disqualification.

Here, we have mentioned the eligibility Criteria for the Candidates:

  • Candidates need to complete their 10+2 level of education.

  • Candidates should have studied Physics, Chemistry, Biology in their 10+2.

  • Candidates should have scored at least 50% in their 10+2 examination.

  • Candidates holding a General Nursing and Midwifery certificate from an approved nursing college can also apply for B.Sc Nursing admission in Assam.

  • Candidates who graduated with a Diploma in Nursing can also apply for B.Sc Nursing admission in Assam.

Assam B.Sc. Nursing 2021 Nursing Application Form:

This section discusses all the aspects of the Assam Nursing 2021 Application Form, such as how to fill the form, application fee, and documents required. Candidates can go through this section completely.

The steps to fill online application form is provided below –

  • To apply, candidates must visit the official site of Directorate of Medical Education

  • After that, the candidate needs to register themselves. Candidates must submit their personal details, such as the name, e-mail id, mobile number etc.

  • When the registration process is completed, the official authorities send an e-mail containing the candidate’s login information to their registered email id.

  • Using the login details and filling up the B.Sc Nursing application form. While filling up the application form applicant need to provide all their personal information and educational qualification

  • After completing the application form, applicants must submit the completed application form with the appropriate documents and application fee.

Assam B.Sc Nursing 2021- Application Fee:

  • Some related details to the application fee is cited below for the candidates. Applicants will have to pay the application fee to complete the registration of the application submission process.

  • Payment of application fee is an important part of the application process consequently candidates are notified to pay the application fee before the due date.

  • Particulars of the application fee will be discussed on the official website of the university by the official authorities for the applicants.

  • It is informed that the applicants visit the official website of the university to get the information about the application fee.

  • Applicants need to get a copy of the payment validation receipt which will be produced by the system.

Assam B.Sc. Nursing 2021- Examination Syllabus:

Before appearing for the entrance examination, it’s important for the applicants to go through the examination syllabus and pattern for better understanding and performance in the examination.

Candidates who want to get admission in B.Sc. Nursing Courses have to secure good marks in the Assam Nursing 2021 entrance exam.

Examination Syllabus:

B.Sc. Nursing syllabus is completely based on 10th and 12th class. Below are the topics/subjects candidates should prepare for the examination:

Biology Syllabus:

Diversity in living world, genetic evolution, ecology and environment, reproduction and development in human, biology and human welfare, structure and functions of plants, structure and function – animal

Chemistry Syllabus:

Some basic concepts of chemistry, atomic structure, chemical thermodynamics, chemical energy, state of matter, solutions, redox reactions, electrochemistry, surface chemistry, hydrogen, chemical kinetics, classifications of elements and periodicity in properties, chemical bonding.

Physics Syllabus:

Work, energy and power, introduction and measurement, oscillation, electrostatics, magnetism, electromagnetic induction and alternating currents, ray optics and optical instrument, current electricity, magnetic effect of current, atom, molecules and nuclei, electrons and photons, electromagnetic waves, gravitation, rotational motion.

Job Types after Nursing:

The number of private and government hospitals and medical colleges are increasing over the years. The rapid growth of this industry calls for more students who wish to become nurses. Every year the government hires more than 20,000 nurses, and with time the recruitment number is touching the heights.

  • Deputy Nursing Superintendent
  • Teacher of Nursing
  • Staff Nurse
  • Nursing Service Administrators
  • Director of Nursing
  • Military Nurse
  • Assistant Nursing Superintendent
  • Industrial Nurse
  • Nursing Superintendent

Employment Areas after Nursing Course:

  • Railways and Medical Departments
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Nursing Science Schools
  • Hospitals/Clinics
  • Industrial Houses/Factories
  • Health Departments

Salaries Offered in the Nursing Field:

  • Freshers in this field can expect a salary ranging from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 15,000 per month.

  • The salary improves with experience. Candidates can expect their salary to be Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 30,000 after 2 to 3 years of experience.

  • Highly experienced nurses may also get a salary package of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 72,000 or more than that.

7 months later